Forums > Introductions > Can't sing, can't dance... Can handle poi a little.

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MasterofwalriBRONZE Member
5 posts
Location: United Kingdom

Guess if I'm going to use this place to meet people, should probably finally get around to introducing myself. A year late. Nevermind...

Name: Mark
Country: UK
Hometown: Hastings
DOB: 05/04/1985
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Occupation(s): Software Engineer
Favorite Food(s): All of it. It's hard to beat a proper Sunday Roast though.
Favorite Color(s): Yeller.
Toys: Poi, juggle a bit, very occasional staff.
Hobbies other than the obvious: Aikido, reading, occasional trips to the gym, coding, cycling
Education: Masters degree.
Favorite Book(s): Hofstader's "Godel Escher and Bach", King's "Dark Tower", anything by Pratchett or Gaiman
Favorite Movie(s): Momento, Dark City, Pilates of the Carob bean... whatever I've seen and enjoyed recently.
Favorite TV show(s): Don't own one / watch that much.
Plans for life in general: Meh, life plans only really tell you where you are now. At the moment, toodling along writing software looks pretty good.
Favorite Music Artists/Composers: Iron Maiden, Schelmish, Tanzwut, Nightwish, Bach, Mozart, Handel, Sarah McLachlan, Meat Loaf...
Favourite ice cream flavor(s): Oh gods, the hard questions. Strawberry Pavlova, cos it makes me feel less guilty than anything by Mr's Ben and Jerry.
Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella: Er... None of the above?

Also, I love the hammered dulcimer. Wish I could play it frown

scoshBRONZE Member
non stop uber rocking electro rock party
122 posts
Location: hastings, United Kingdom

woo hastings rocks haahaa lol smile hi tho

"im quite depressed, im quite a mess, so beat me up, beat me down, mess me up beyond all recognition"

georgemcBRONZE Member
Sitting down facing forward . . .
2,387 posts
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

wave Welcome to HoP! Love the username!!

Written by: Doc Lightning talking about Marmite in Kichi's Intro thread

I have several large jars of the stuff. I actually like it... a little. And don't tell anyone I admitted to it.

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