BrennPLATINUM Member
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Found these the other day:

"...each of the swords are made from 1.5m of 50mm wick wrapped around a fibreglass core. The padded handles are protected by a silicone heat shield."

Can anyone shed some light on this matter in regards to firetoys having a fibreglass core and how they stand up versus metal/wood cores? Am interested in obtaining a fire sword (or swords) but debating whether to buy one or take the plunge and make my own


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fake teeth and glueBRONZE Member
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i'de say make your own, i was thinking of getting something like this and converting it, or perhaps just getting a stick/staff/broom handle thing and making one out of that.

plus i was thinking that if you could get some hollow kevlar rope thick enough you could just put that on but i'm not sure that it would hold much fuel.

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FlintSILVER Member
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No no no Fake Teeth... You don't want to use a wood base for a fire sword, it chars the wood ever time you burn. If you are going to make Fire swords you need to use a Metal base and one of the best that I have found so far is jugeling swords or belly dancing swords with a wicked back side.

As far as a fiberglase cored fire sword... not shure how that is going to work out, Brenn , Great site, personally if you want to test the fibergalse set then I would sugest , if you can afford it , is to buy a set of both and test them against each other...

fake teeth and glueBRONZE Member
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even if i rap the wood in tin foil tape and cut up old cans and the like and nail them on? would that not work to stop it burning?...i suppose the heat would still get in though, oh well back to the drawing board, thanks smile

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BrennPLATINUM Member
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 Written by: fake teeth and glue

even if i rap the wood in tin foil tape and cut up old cans and the like and nail them on? would that not work to stop it burning?...i suppose the heat would still get in though, oh well back to the drawing board, thanks smile

If you are going to use a bokken as a base, I have seen some sites such as Firetricks do the same thing, except they use aluminium flashing to cover the bokken or shinai. That is meant to absorb most of the heat but will shatter over time, especially if used in stage fighting.

However, getting a pair of fibreglass core swords for about $130 Australian as opposed to one aluminum flashing-covered bokken for about $90 is what has drawn me to them, but at the same time guarded about using fibreglass as a core for a firetoy. The dillema! ubblol

Thanks for your input Flint smile i'm considering getting a pair of the fibreglass swords to try out. should they prove to be pants I can always use them for practice


Owner of burningoftheclavey smile
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