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samarpanGOLD Member Member 3 posts Location: Munich, Germany
Posted: Hi u all!!!
going to US next week, Archana and me fly in via PHIL, staying ca 3weeks , we want to take our firetoys... pois, fans, ropes... does anyone have experience entering US with their toys???? how strict are the airlines????
we go India regularly, no problem, heard Australia giving trouble we don't want to gift our toys to them...
what about fuel??? what u use for burning /spinning??? where to get???
Fire_MooseSILVER Member Elusive and Bearded 3,597 posts Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Posted: Dont bring fuel on the plane
Take your poi heads off of chains and put in a plastic bag or 2
make sure wicks dont smell
you can include pictures of you preforming or business cards on top of your gear
there are numerous threads on this topic, do a search for US airplane travel and have a gander
Owned by Mynci!
samarpanGOLD Member Member 3 posts Location: Munich, Germany
Posted: hi guys...
we are quite experienced fireplayers and travel a lot with our toys!!!! thanks for all replies... it s NOT about smell, we allways pack up well...
any special experiences with US ????? do they specially check the luggage different from other countries???? this is what we heard... can anybody verify that by OWN EXPERIENCE???? before we panick
Fire_MooseSILVER Member Elusive and Bearded 3,597 posts Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Posted: my only experience is that i took my 5.5 foot staff on a plane when i flew across the country. It was in a PVC tube with end caps and it was checked. worked fine both ways
Owned by Mynci!
MandSILVER Member Keeper of the Spitfire 2,317 posts Location: Calgary Canada
Posted: Hi Samarpan,
If you do a search there's quite a few threads out there with this info already, and most of them include America. Try [Old link] or [Old link] (they're 2 of the ones I found that include the US).
I have flown in and out of America many times with fire toys, and have never had any problems. I know that lots of other people on the board have done the same. If you're used to travelling with your toys, then just pack them up as you normally would and you should be fine. (Of course, nothing's written in stone. If they do find them there's a chance they might take them off you, but that's the risk you take flying to any country with them).
I hope it all works fine for you. Have fun.
Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.
please DO NOT include a business card or mention that you're a professional performer, or remotely mentioning that you intend to perform in the US. You might end up missing your flight, as long as you can't produce a working visa.
American folks - please correct me if I'm wrong on this one...
Simply declare the toys as "sports equipment", "toys" whatsoever. Do not burn them within 24hrs prior to departure, make sure they are dry and not smelling.
Be prepared to leave them behind without making *any* fuzz.
Airport staff is empowered to keep you grounded, if they have reasons to believe that you might become a threat to the safety of other passengers (a few years ago, when I was insistingly complaining about my reservation, I stayed grounded and had to wait for the next flight.... hang on, maybe that's a good way of getting your toys back home...? as long as you got no schedule to follow).
Apart from all that: best of luck, safe travels and enjoy the Ashram.
PS: let us know how it went - always good to know the latest in airtravel regulations EDITED_BY: FireTom (1209733657)
the best smiles are the ones you lead to
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