Forums > Social Discussion > Bread for sex - UN peacekeepers accused of child abuse

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This is just so frigging sad, if true!

 Written by : BBC News

Peacekeepers 'abusing children'
'Elizabeth', who was raped by 10 UN peacekeepers in Ivory Coast.

Children as young as six are being sexually abused by peacekeepers and aid workers, says a leading UK charity.

Children in post-conflict areas are being abused by the very people drafted into such zones to help look after them, says Save the Children.

After research in Ivory Coast, southern Sudan and Haiti, the charity proposed an international watchdog be set up.

Save the Children said it had sacked three workers for breaching its codes, and called on others to do the same.

The three men were all dismissed in the past year for having had sex with girls aged 17 - which the charity said was a sackable offence even though not illegal.

The victims are suffering sexual exploitation and abuse in silence.

The UN has said it welcomes the charity's report, which it will study closely.

Save the Children says the most shocking aspect of child sex abuse is that most of it goes unreported and unpunished, with children too scared to speak out.

I just pray that this turns out to be a hoax!

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Fire_MooseSILVER Member
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Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

It's crazy how stuff like this doesn't even suprise me any more.

And it's not like ther eis a whole lot they can do, apart from dismissing the offenders.....especially since these countries do not have statutory laws apparently.....and if any charges were to be filed they would have to be compliant with that countries laws....

very sad.


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Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
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I'm sceptical, purely because people love a scandal and what better scandal than to discredit the UN? The UN isn't 100% popular and I'm sure there'd be people who want to take it down.

The odd occasion I believe, but that article reads like it's endemic and I don't believe that.

Maybe I just still trust the UN too much. But someone has to or else the world would be worse off.

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

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NathanielEveristSILVER Member
315 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I don't like the UN, good idea executed poorly.

I agree, this sort of this doesn't suprise me anymore, if it's true that the nations within which they are operating doesn't have statue condemning child sex-abuse, then they should at least be punished under the Declaration of Human Rights, but that's why I don't like the UN, they won't. The Declaration of Human Rights should be treated as international statue, and although I can see that the UN doesn't have power enough to exercise punishment in a large amount of cases due to it not being a military entity and not actually having much express power internationally, it does have the power at least to condemn within its own walls. The fact that China is still welcome within the United Nations is a sheer example of it's lack of willingness to enforce its own morals.

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
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 Written by :BBC

A UN spokesman, Nick Birnback, said that it was impossible to ensure "zero incidents" within an organisation that has up to 200,000 personnel serving around the world.

"What we can do is get across a message of zero tolerance, which for us means zero complacency when credible allegations are raised and zero impunity when we find that there has been malfeasance that's occurred," he told the BBC.

I dont see why its such a hard thing to achieve, providing each aid worker with a headset that can not be turned off to record video and audio of each days actions with a sensor to monitor the pulse (to ensure its not passed to someone else after it is initialised for the day) provides accountability.

Having a record provides a much higher level of accountabilty which acts as a deterent, having a proper zero tolerance policy (ie if you break your duty of care to the children then you face real consequences, ie jail time with a minimum sentance that must be served, being forced to register as a sex offender etc NOT just getting sacked) goes a long way to ensuring the safety of the children by providing a real deterent.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

Groovy_DreamSILVER Member
449 posts
Location: Australia

If there are gang rapes happening chances are there are a lot of people that know about it, even people not involved. They should offer rewards to encourage people to speak up if they know anything.

And yea the BBC report should really include how many incidents there have actually been.

NathanielEveristSILVER Member
315 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Down the side of the report it had a short list of past incidents:

2003 - Nepalese troops accused of sexual abuse while serving in DR Congo. Six are later jailed
2004 - Two UN peacekeepers repatriated after being accused of abuse in Burundi
2005 - UN troops accused of rape and sexual abuse in Sudan
2006 - UN personnel accused of rape and exploitation on missions in Haiti and Liberia
2007 - UN launches probe into sexual abuse claims in Ivory Coast


6,650 posts

Some of it sounds like anti-UN, some of it sounds like "look, we (save the children) are the good guys - support us, not the UN" - but in any case, there is a grain of truth and that's already shocking enough.

UN help missions should be "help missions" and not turn into some perv power play. Even just one UN peacekeeper committing child abuse is one too many.

I like Ben's suggestion with 'mission control' headphones, hence I wonder whether it would be practically possible. A zero tolerance policy is desirable but a double edged sword. How about the "You give me more bread or I report you for sexual abuse" approach?

From the informations available there seems to be an incident (reported) every year. 05-07 headlines sound a lot more carefully phrased though...

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MokaGOLD Member
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 Written by :Poje

It's crazy how stuff like this doesn't even suprise me any more.

Amen... Sad state of affairs...

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hamamelisBRONZE Member
756 posts
Location: Bouncing off the walls., England (UK)

I don't think they could realistically provide 200,000 headsets to be continuously recording- even if they could do that it would be very expensive- cost of headsets, power, someone to check through the data... There would be better ways of spending that money.

And I must admit, even if it could be done pretty cheaply, I wouldn't really support it- it'd be pretty horrible for the people not involved in abuse to have to have every moment of their day recorded.. there's plenty of stuff within the law that's hurting no-one I do I'd still rather not have recorded.. Maybe it would cut down on any possible abuse, but people should have the right to go to the toilet in privacy! Is the abuse happening during working hours, or would staff have to wear a headset on their days off?

Is someone going to be going through and to check precisely *who* they're getting jiggy with?


If that's okay with you?

newgabeSILVER Member
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Hang on a sec. *UN peacekeepers*. These are not social justice bureaucrats or charity workers, they are soldiers. Try: "soldiers rape women and girls" and see how surprising it (doesn't) sound.

More surprising if they gave them any bread.

Ben ubblol Headsets? videos? Oops. I presume you are having a larf?

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

NathanielEveristSILVER Member
315 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

This is just another example mounting evidence for the requirement for either robotic soldiers, or for all soldiers to be put through hypnosis to curve any sexual tendencies while they're doing their job. Either that or hormone treatments, to again, curve such desires.

I'm just joking, but hey, maybe it would actually work?

hamamelisBRONZE Member
756 posts
Location: Bouncing off the walls., England (UK)

If we could get robotic soldiers to fight robotic soldiers, and leave the rest of the planet alone- I'm all for it wink

In fact, why not take it a further step, and just fight all further wars online? biggrin


If that's okay with you?

NathanielEveristSILVER Member
315 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

That's a good idea, Unreal Tournament 2020 will give a grounds by which wars can be fought deathlessly.

Robotic soldiers fighting robotic soldiers would be a good idea, because then it'll just be an economic and tactical war, rather than a war based on last man standing.

6,650 posts

I guess it is necessary to point out that some UN missions are run by soldiers of 'third world' armies.

It is remarkable that the corruption in these armies/ commands result in higher ranking officers keeping the salaries of their soldiers. Further those soldiers come from highly corruptive and segregated countries, 'sexual atrocities' committed are no only common in the countries where these missions are conducted but also in their homeland.

It further needs to be noted that the UN undertakes peacekeeping missions across the globe for 60 years now. In this time more than 2.400 soldiers lost their lives.

As developed countries do not like to send their soldiers into the 'hellholes' of Africa or to Haiti, they prefer to pay money to the UN, financing third world armies to send in their troops.

Some of these accusations are resulting from studies undertaken by NGOs who themselves have a certain interest to promote their own services. Hence without the support of UN peacekeeping troops help would not be possible.

The UN is grossly doing good work - we should not forget that and - as Gabe put it to the point: These are soldiers, not charity workers. So it is even less surprising.

Camera headsets wouldn't be needed for every individual soldier - it would be sufficient to equip the commanding officers. The soldiers 'privacy' though should not be infringed - certainly it would make it more difficult to commit manhunt for children and women and rape within those 10 minutes 'taking a leak'.

One huge problem further is that international soldiers cannot be held accountable for their actions. They get repatriated and what is happening then dissolves in local jurisdiction.

It's a sad issue, not surprising - but for sure there could be a lot done to prevent this from happening in the future. Just an effort needs to be undertaken... I guess the UN needs to reconsider and sit down to get their image set right - otherwise nobody needs to be surprised that UN peacekeeping forces are not warmly welcomed by the local population.

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

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