Forums > Videos > A place for my video stuffz *Updated 3/18/2012*

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Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
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Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

New videos somewhere down the thread...

Where you can find other videos I've done:

**Updated 9/23/2010**

Here's a quick little video of one of the many tangle variations I've been playing with. It's a Butterfloop toss or what I've been calling a Butterfloss.

EDITED_BY: Loki_the_trickster (1332077797)

My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
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Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Everything? Including the hand??

Tangles, eh? You seem to like those. Do you ever do much poi when you don't do tangles? smile


Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
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Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

Haha thats why I said "cameo"

Yeah I have this problem, it's called being addicted to tangles....I've tried to stop......seriously.....I have issues....


My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
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Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Totally understood. I have the same issues atm with stalls and plane changes and that sort of thing...

But you should probably try spinning more with them apart, it appears to have afflicted your style somewhat. All the tangle stuff is great. And I like that antispin movement thing, (probably because I like doing it myself, especially in cateye) Have you tried it in cateye? grin

You should try doing pirouettes in split time butterfly without your poi, that could help your flow somewhat. I usually recommend it as a warm up exercise. I'll make a video for it soon enough if you don't get what I mean, its pretty easy, but helps you think about the way the poi travel... untangled. grin Even if you don't need that component, I think it'd be helpful to get yourself moving about before you poi. (If you really wanna break the tangle addiction, anyway.)


Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
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Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

laugh3You misunderstand...I've been spinning for years and I have conquered flow, I've just been focusing on tangles for awhile now so thats what my videos have been focused on as well. I should make a flow video sometime, maybe my next one wink

Cateye??? Oh yeah, I call them catterfloops (thanks to ICoN) their fun, I do them with one in extension the other in cateye, I didn't do any in this video though.(check out the second half of my butterfloop tutorial for the catterfloop, you can find that with the other link) That anti-spin thing I don't even know what to's part linear isolation part anti-spin part extension thingy crazy

Thanks for the advice but I actually had to break away from flow because I wanted to be more tech focused. Since then I made the discovery that pretty much any move you can do with your poi untangled you can do with them tangled and that has given me a whole world of things to conquer. I don't move my body much because this is pure tech poi not dance. If we get a day above freezing around here maybe I'll go outside where theres room and do a flow/dance video wink

Thanks for the feed back! beerchug grin

My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
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Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

No worries on the feedback. ^_^ I can't not give it after watching a video, its how I critique myself and as such comes out when I watch other peoples vids.

I find it utterly horrific that you assumed I meant cateyes in hyperloop when I was referring to the antispin thingamy in cateye. tongue2 grin grin

I call the antispin thing a 3:1 ratio antispin flower in wall plane. tongue2 I don't see the linear isolation in that one, but you can do a linear isolation if you do the cateye version of it with arms crossed further over. Does the extension refer to when you have to get out of the arms crossed position into the opposite arms crossed component?

Here is the cateye thing I was mentioning. I use the cateye to do a linear isolation in butterfly at the end, its the exact same principle to apply the linear isolation in same direction except its not continuous unless you have to change directions of the cateye after each rotation. grin

The flow I referred to was even a techy flow... tangles can't do it properly because it interrupts the way you provide propulsion to your poi. I guess thats just my preference, I don't do many tangles because I don't really like the way they affect the overall style of what I'm doing, I like swishy, swooshy poi with confusing direction and plane changes along with pretty patterns.


StoutBRONZE Member
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Strangely hypnotic that...I had to watch it twice because I sort of zoned out on it the first time....Suddenly, it was over.

Cheers Loki

Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
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Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

MNS: Hooray for online misunderstandings!!! laugh3
Yeah I do cateyes untangled but I do find them to be horribly overrated, yeay trends!!!
So the break down....if you watch my blue poi it does 2/3 of a liner iso (first two are sloppy but the third is clean) thats why I said part while the blue is doing its partial LI the red is in extention in vertical wall across the bottom is where the anti-spin stuff is...the blue breaks from the LI and does two circles and the red poi plane bends to floor plane and does the anti bit across.....I think....I dunno.....its weird....and after re-watching just now a little sloppy.... shrug

Stout: Thanks! Good to know the hypnotism software I used is working crazy beerchug

My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
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Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Ahh, now I'm with you. I like it now I know what it is you're doing... but as a movement to be watched I don't think its wholly clear what you're out to do, so even if it was 100% perfect someone may well think you were trying to do something else and just did so imperfectly. (We are talking about the tangled antispinmajigger now, yeah?) And you can do that in cateye, eh? That'd a be a sight to see, I thought thats what you were trying to do at first but that it had an extra beat. The 2/3 linear isolation is what made me think you were trying to cateye it because its a linear isolation based on a cateye.

So is it cateyes that're trendy or the dual cateye motion? Because I've not actually seen anyone use that dual cateye motion yet, nor have I even seen many people playing with cateyes much.

Anyway! Keep playing man, doing alright so far. grin


TinklePantsGOLD Member
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You have way too many fish tanks in that room. Health and safety.
scenario 1
spin spin tangle
spin tangle damnit... whups..... smash.... NOOOOOOO!

Nemo!!!! speak to me bud.... BREATHE! 1.... 2..... 3.... 4.... 5.... breathe....



Vids great though smile

Always use "so's your face" and "only on Tuesdays" in as many conversations possible

Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
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Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

Update in first post of thread

My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
Has sharp edges
1,266 posts
Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

UPDATE: March 18, 2012
Some quick Tech Tangle videos I did recently after joining the Tech Poi Group on FaceBook.

My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

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