eykanalSILVER Member
7 posts
Location: USA

I just bought some pre-tied colecord ropes, and I had to adjust the length. I now have to cut off a few inches, but I was wondering if anyone here knows how to "re-seal" the ends so they don't fray and come apart. It seems to come with some sort of melted plastic on the end. I was thinking about trying wax, but I can't imagine thats strong enough to last a good spin. Thanks!

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Singe the end with a lighter. smile


MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Yes, use a lighter. The melted plastic you see on the cut ends is simply melted colecord, nothing added smile

eykanalSILVER Member
7 posts
Location: USA

That worked perfectly. Thanks!

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

With the standard length cords i find its better to fold them and spin with double cords. I have

poi head > cord (no swivel) > length of cord > knot (to hold for shorter spinning) > swivel > D link > handle

MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Isn't that a bit bulky at the handle end Geeza? I was concerned about the bulk when using weighted handles and swivels because of the extra links required, so I went for a slightly unusual configuration for my handles.

Firstly I made some teardrop (ish) shaped handles with a hole through the middle out of Fimo (i used glow in the dark, which glows nicely under UV), I also put a metal washer in the top in case it was prone to cracking (which its not). Then I thread the colecord through the handle and knotted at the top, I left a recess in the handle for the knot to sit in (it could have been deeper actually but the knot doesnt get in the way). Then I added a swivel (one of the nice chunky ones from HoP) where your knot for shorter spinning is, This is perfectly well positioned for orbitals but eliminates bulk at the handle for throws etc. At the bottom I used an oval quicklink onto my crystal cases, but you could just as easily just tie it on.

I'll post pictures when I get a chance smile

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