LaasyaBRONZE Member
Wind Dancer
126 posts
Location: USA, east coast

Name: Laasya
Location: US, east coast
Sex: f
Toys: Flag poi, Crystal poi, hopefully levi-wand in the future
Hobbies: Writing, dancing, gaming
Godzilla vs. a Star Wars Star Destroyer. Who wins? Why?: Star Destroyer. Wouldn't Godzilla asphyxiate in space? Unless Godzilla is inside of the Star Destroyer, in which case he would be against the Imperial stormtroopers inside. Now that would be a fascinating watch... I think Godzilla would win that one.
Favorite Music Artists/Composers: Versailles is my absolute favorite band of all time. Favorite artist is Utada Hikaru. Others include: Outersect, Kaya Project, Susumu Hirasawa, Config|Sys PROJECT, Nomic, Ayreon, Aural Vampire, and many others
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: I see your ice cream and raise you a cheesecake.
Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella?: Never had marmite or vegemite, but I adore Nutella K3

I have been dancing since I was 6 years old (I'll let you decide how long ago that was) and started color guard when I was 12. I became fascinated with different styles of dance, swing flags in particular. My attempts at researching swing flags led me to poi, and here I am! I bought my first set of poi (flag poi) from HoP in May 2010 and received them early in June. I've been spinning poi since and hope to find other people to spin poi with smile

My youtube name is foxinsocks506. Once I get a proper videocamera, I will upload some poi videos. I also have a wordpress blog called Resplendence which I add to daily.

I'm happy to be a part of the Home of Poi community! My goal is to not only become better with poi, but to also contribute to HoP and help this community grow smile

EDITED_BY: Laasya (1281803181)
EDIT_REASON: updated info and added blog

Impermanent are all created things;
Strive on with awareness.
- Buddha

Zephyre PhoenixFamiliar stranger giving out popcorn. (formerly Ascilith)
1,264 posts
Location: Lawrence, KS

yay selfless bumps! Think I'll do that riiight now.... eh. maybe later lol

Never take candy from strangers...... But popcorn is okay!

LaasyaBRONZE Member
Wind Dancer
126 posts
Location: USA, east coast

*eats popcorn*

omg what kind of popcorn is this? Dx

Impermanent are all created things;
Strive on with awareness.
- Buddha

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Derivative popcorn.


'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Made using the Simpson equation/rule

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

LaasyaBRONZE Member
Wind Dancer
126 posts
Location: USA, east coast

Oh, so it's only approximately popcorn?


Impermanent are all created things;
Strive on with awareness.
- Buddha

Zephyre PhoenixFamiliar stranger giving out popcorn. (formerly Ascilith)
1,264 posts
Location: Lawrence, KS

WHO THE F*** Has been putting things in my popcorn????@#?@%

This tastes like Almost Sqirrel...

Never take candy from strangers...... But popcorn is okay!

LaasyaBRONZE Member
Wind Dancer
126 posts
Location: USA, east coast

Ut ohs, to the MarmiteMobile?

Wait, how do you know what squirrel tastes like??? eek

Impermanent are all created things;
Strive on with awareness.
- Buddha

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

*points in Aston's direction*

You can't blame him though. You weren't here to give the newbs popcorn. It still makes you see colours though!

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

Zephyre PhoenixFamiliar stranger giving out popcorn. (formerly Ascilith)
1,264 posts
Location: Lawrence, KS

almost squirrel. An approximate squirrel.

True. I WAS gone for a while, therefore, I don't blame him. But... but... i felt like i was gonna cough up a hairball with that approximate popcorn. (no offense aston. your still awesome)

Screw colors. I'm working on a mix right now that'll make you see flying hairless green orangutans riding crotch rockets.
EDITED_BY: Ascilith (1282508824)

Never take candy from strangers...... But popcorn is okay!

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

My meds will do that! Would you like some for your seasoning?

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

Warior DrakeSILVER Member
The Dragon Professor
203 posts
Location: New York, currently homeless, USA

Originally Posted By: AscilithScrew colors. I'm working on a mix right now that'll make you see flying hairless green orangutans riding crotch rockets.

... Holy $#!^

Don't let your world end with you

p.s. No, just in case you're going to ask, I did not misspell Warrior, its supposed to be like that.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

I would never eat squirrel. I would hang them up as dire warnings....

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland


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