Forums > Social Chat > So my flowpoi are due to arrive tomorrow hat wud be the 1st basics?

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28 posts

So my first poi, other than the sock poi I made and that look err unbalanced, arrive tomorrow (flowpoi duo). What basics as a complete noob shud I try first?

Dancing in the Dark with a spinning light

liquidtrancei dream in circles...
336 posts
Location: Scotland

take it slow and easy with them (they aren't super deadly but they will hurt more than sock poi if they intersect your face)
try out basic turns, buzzsaw and butterfly to start off smile

even chuck norris can't pin you down if your on fire

28 posts

Ta muchly. Any more news on your workshops? smile

Dancing in the Dark with a spinning light

CalibudGOLD Member
49 posts
Location: St. Louis , USA

I would agree with the saw and the flutterby, those were some of the first things i learned, along with the 2bw or 1bw, whatever it was.

liquidtrancei dream in circles...
336 posts
Location: Scotland

i'm going to be back in glasgow next week so gonna look at getting them going again by mid feb I think smile
just need to get a new venue sorted, the church hall I was using is closed for renovation smirk

even chuck norris can't pin you down if your on fire

28 posts

What about QMU up the West End, or Woodside Halls?

Dancing in the Dark with a spinning light

the3rdchildthe kid down the street
10 posts

I suggest butterflies, weaves and work on your planes alot, the planes are the base for everything

who are you callin wierd, you catch balls, i just swing'em

28 posts

New toys here and assembled fire at handle end luna at other end. Nice FEDEX man had dropped them through my letter box which is great as the nearest depot is at least 45 minutes away

Dancing in the Dark with a spinning light

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