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Forums > Videos > Keith VLOG Longer Poi

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mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom


EDITED_BY: mcp (1322138399)

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

[ Unregistered ]addict
413 posts

When people stoped spinning and got stacked with manipulation ?


Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
1,277 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Originally Posted By: [ Unregistered ]When people stoped spinning and got stacked with manipulation ?


Probably when they realized the prop had way more potential than just spinning it around. The same way people realized you can roll a ball instead of throwing it. Not that Keith fails to spin his poi, he just does other stuff too.


pascalhopGOLD Member
23 posts
Location: france

because manipulation is life!

huge technic!
the forward veave in double fishtail is amazing, if I knew it I would have gone to discuss with him at the ejc... damned
the three poi jugling part is also impressive but still not the five poi juggling of ruslan fomenko!
thank you for sharing

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