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Profile for spryte

Registered on: 1st Feb 2001
Total posts: 45

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Last Forum Posts

Wow This site has really grown since I've been here last.( Almost 2 years ago?) I live near Toronto so please post your next gatherings. Great to see so many active people.Spryte

What I have to offer is floor space and a kitchen. I'm a student so I don't have the money to forward on food, But anyone can use the kitchen when they are here. The grocery store and t...

Come to Pennsic =) Email meany time at emerald_rain@hotmail.com

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Another back bend
Flowers grow in the graveyard
Hot staff shot
Love fayer
Nooping rainbows
Ghost Fire
Fire on the sea
Dragon Fire
Ottos new diabolo lights
Hoop genie
Rick hawk
Phil Feel Flower !
just a kiss
fire diabolo juggling
Live The Life You Love
Poi your pants off!
Ignite the Fire
Flame Warrior
Kristen Fire Eating
Laying it Down
Fire fans and horses
Ninja Syuriken
Graffiti On Fire
Flower Power
Inverted fire is always better

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