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Profile for tjoni

BRONZE Member since Dec 2001
Registered on: 26th Dec 2001
Total posts: 116

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Last Forum Posts

Awesome!... just got here from Melbourne, so look forward to spinning out with you all!

Hey kids hugz to ya!For those enquiring about workshops google fireworks dance company or underbelly dance as they both hold workshops in fitzroy.To TheWibbler , you could try Abbotsfor...

Hey bender burger count me in sweet thing - pwease let me know when you have confirmed details. Many thanks baybee!!


Service and support  
30th October, 2007
"Many thanks to home of poi. My order of wicking and a uv light came through very quickly. Happy with the product and very happy with the service. Will definately buy through you again. Thanks again!"
Johansen, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Dec 2001

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fired battle
Fire Hooping Shoulder Stand
on the flipside
Glowing Shuriken-Saw
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A burners sunset
Feeding on flow energy
Fire Palm Fairy.
athens greece
Rapid Oxidation
Juggle where you should not juggle!
Walking Through Fire
Rainbow future poi shuffle trails 🙌🏼
Dark Phoenix
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