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Profile for Maderlock

Registered on: 9th Sep 2004
Total posts: 21

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Last Forum Posts

How handy. Do just sections of it go dark, so that you can see darker objects just as easily as bright ones? Combining those with night-vision would be handy for spinning performances...

What the badger is psy-trance?

What's depressing is not sun or rain or hot or cold or dark or light, but boring average overcast weather. It's the dullness of it that eats into your soul. Give me a good thunderstor...

Follow your Friends

Uyuni, Bolivia
Magma Carta
That escalated quickly
Feeling The Heat
Warm evening
Aus Day celebrations
Handcuffed face spin
Midnight Sun
Sweet spin
Bloody Countess Bathory
Juggling at Teotihuacan
Monkey fist Flower
Lexa - Tainted Love
Beach Nooping
Who wants to play?
Macabre Inferno
Fire crescent
Fire Skull
Fiery Joy
Too cold
Jumping Pyro
Myk P
Sunset stall.
Call the fire department cause its smoking hot
When in doubt, flow
mirror of my soul
Holy triquetra
Burning Pirate
XO Kisses n Hugs

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