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Profile for oscurochu

SILVER Member since Aug 2011
Registered on: 21st Aug 2011
Total posts: 12

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Last Forum Posts

I recently sold a pair of poi to a friend who was moving out of state. I made the handles using 1/2in kevlar tape. I just spoke to him today and he told me the handles broke. I sewed th...

I was looking at the different styles of poi heads and have come across many different names for poi heads: moonblaze, isis, monkeys fist, cathedral, tornado, circle stitch, cork screw,...

I would spin poi in a cemetary! The park is just a lot more convenient for me to walk to.

Follow your Friends

out of the ordinary
Hoopy Birthday Merica!
Cue the applause
A shoulder to burn on.
Flame keeper
Be Love on Fire
NLQ Beach
Mystic Circles
Learning to loopyloop!
learn to be a firebender
Drunken master
Giraffe Attack!
Fire Eyes
The Inner Fire
music in motion
We’re all mad here..
Gia Grace
Fire fans smile
Lock Sights
give you hell
LED hooping at Imagine Festival
Born to burn 🔥🔥🔥
Green Gorillas
Scarlet bark
The fancy hoop
An artist at play

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