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Profile for trasm

BRONZE Member since Sep 2011
Registered on: 12th Sep 2011
Total posts: 1

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Last Forum Posts

I am new to the art of poi, I began learning in Utila, Honduras from one of my buddies there and have since moved back to S. Indiana and was wondering if there were any poi spinners, le...


Service and support  
29th September, 2011
Very fast delivery and amazing products
"I was surprized when I walked out my door today and my package had arrived a full week before it was supposed too. The quality of the products was amazing. I have yet to watch the dvds but I cant wait to see them and start learning. I will be returning to HOP when I need new equipment."
Sandy, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Sep 2011

Follow your Friends

forest creatures
Fire Poi in the Jungle
spinnin in the burgh
Perfect timing
final bmouth spin up
Forest Flow
Busker flow
Sun streams
Fire Bones
Dragon in the woods
June Dark
The worlds a circus, light it up!
Fire Fans
lenn fei fire suns
Elavated PuppyHammer Playground
night hooping
Electric Chrome
Thou shall have a fishy
A black and white burn off
Ring of Fire
Feeling free
its gloooowing...
Happy spider
Fire & Ice Flower
baby mohican
start em young
Demon Smile

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