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Profile for _Stix_

Registered on: 14th Feb 2002
Total posts: 2,419

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Last Forum Posts

..poignant moment for me.... watching a floating lantern that was going up stream on it's own.. against the law of nature.. whilst the others floated towards each other and slowly set ...

I've typed and erased paragraph after paragraph..nothing seems right to say.. my life has lost a part of it's richness.. Keith (you c*nt) you will be in my heart forever - I shall never...

TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of...

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Zen Centre
My love
Fiery sand
Fire Golden Cage
Coloured fire pixie
Play with Fire!
Fire Circle by milie
Ending Halloween With A Bang!
Anti-Poseidon Trident
Fire Wings
First staff
Spirt of the dragon
14 juillet
Air time
Renegade Park Rave
In Focus
Bridge on a Bridge
The Statue
Rogue  flame solo performer at Wonderland Festival Germany using Dragon staff
Arde la magia
Fire Bastard Sword
Light messages from Lemuria
Russian Swing Pushback/Suck
Front Page of Radio, Lady Blaze Fire Pirate!
Eva Lou Hoops Noops!
The Lady Is A Vamp

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