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Profile for DJ Poi

DJ Poi
Registered on: 9th Mar 2002
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

I've just got myself a set of three girly rats. I love them to death. This is the second batch I have had, and the only pet I would rather have is a ferret or three... but my girlfrie...

My girlfriend and I were talking about this last night, and wondered if you lot could maybe shed some light on this question. We were wondering if spinning (Poi in particular) is good,...

I JUST SPUT FIRE!Yup, just tonight I spun fire for the first time. I wasn't planning on it either, it just happened...I was out having cocktails with my girlfriend and when we left the...

Follow your Friends

Now how am I going to catch that one!
duo fire fans
Love and light
The fire noodle
Fire fetish
Feel the Fire Hoop
Tangled Up in Blue
Poi in the Alpes
The Phoenix
Going Up
When Circles Dreams
Fiera Fans
Swallowed by fire.
RedFox Fire
Fire Warrior
Hoop spiral
Its all about that Bass
Love and Light
Ethereal Embers
caught in a spin
DragonWings Along the Trail
Flow artist mid chest roll
Hoops, dreadlocks, and sunflowers!
Birthing Lady on Fire
Christmas wonders
For the Love of Hoop

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