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Profile for Whitty Raver

Whitty Raver
Registered on: 24th Mar 2005
Total posts: 1

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Last Forum Posts

I just got a canon ZR50 MC Digital Camcorder and i need help figuring out how to get the video off of the tape and onto the computer in an mpg file FormatIf you can help hit me up on AI...

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Juggling at Balaton Lake
Ultra Flower
Flower power
warm circle
Fire Kitties
Visual poi at work
Feed the flames and set them dancing
Flower power
Desert Dwellers Live Experience
Bring it on
painting flower
Seduction warms the Heart
Masked Orbitals
Zen Poi
Browns Bay Juggling
Wings on Fire
Fiery Lasso
A Head of Purple
well hi!
Clowning arouns
Elevated Composition
Exavier Fire Spin
mexica star
Fire flower
Blur of flower
Fire Trap
Praise the Sun
Everything is possible in Narnia

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