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Profile for Dink

BRONZE Member since Apr 2005
Registered on: 6th Apr 2005
Total posts: 70

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Last Forum Posts

 Written by: Tao Star Written by: BlayzeOnly on bid for me i know....only one person bid for me too maybe we can start an only one bidder club & be cooler than everyone...

So how is everyone getting on with spinning over the dark and dingy months??Anyone spinning in Plymouth still?

Written by: Jude_21oh and by the way....just putting this in because you guys are from Plymouth. What would you think if a shop with all the decent toys and relevant books and DVD's ope...

Follow your Friends

I love diabolo
Phillipine dragon
Concentrated Fire
Fire fetish
Fire Queen
Sunset at the lake
Fahrenheit Fox
Face painting
Magic night
Fire palms
Sacred Circle
Mt.Washington Fun
Flowers grow in the graveyard
arctistic juggling
Fire Staff
My killer ink.. ha
Hooping at the stacks
play in the park
Lightning in a Bottle Fire Mystic.
Phoenix fire convention
just a kiss
Body burn
The best of both worlds
Coming Full Circle
Simple Life of Fire

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