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Profile for Tir_na_nOg

Registered on: 19th May 2005
Total posts: 55

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Last Forum Posts

Hey everybody!Jus droppin to say hello, as I dont seem to see many of the non dubliner spinny types these days.An I bet none of you's are gonna come down to Tralee either, are ya, eh, w...

My thoughts go out to Em, Keith's family and everybody who is gonna miss a really nice kind gentle sarcastic amazing guy.

Hey everybody!!!!!!! Come to PLAY lol!!!!!!! Looks like im for play, coz I gotta come back to ireland before the EJC anywayz and now ill be able to do two things this summer!! YAY

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Bending Space
Bartholomew  Slab
Lumina @ Denver Buskerfest, by Brandon Marshall
Photo - poi
fire and LED flower
Consumed by fire.
Welcome Home
Bridge on a Bridge
Double Juggle
Sunrise me and my hula hoop
Bendy Practice
LED Shapes
Mountaintop Fire
The Lost City on Fire!
Fire Bike Masquerade
Fire spinning in London
Backbend sunset
Lakeside Flower
Twista Fire Poi
Big Flames Fun
Dragons Breath
Tunnel Vision
8 Flames Staff
Love poi
dragon duet

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