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Profile for VampyricAcid

SILVER Member since Jun 2005
Registered on: 26th Jun 2005
Total posts: 1,286

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Last Forum Posts

THIS THREAD IS STILL HERE!?!!!?Wow its been ages since I've been on here, anyone around still remember me?On another note, Tennis balls filled with pennies and lentils are not a good id...

Hi Guys and Gals,I know a lot of you run workshops etc. and I was wondering if anyone could help me. Basically I'm studying Human Resources at uni, and I have to run a training session...

Yaaay hello people!There was not name change, the name change is a lie! *looks shifty*Yaaay hello aimee!! love and cuddles!!Life is treating me very well thanks, 2nd year of uni under w...

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