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Profile for si_sheff

SILVER Member since Jul 2005
Registered on: 17th Jul 2005
Total posts: 128


United Kingdom


foot fan
interpretation of UK weather!
Lightning over the moon

Last Forum Posts

I'm definately up for hosting some form of staff juggling gathering should we all come this way.. Sheffield has lost a few of its spinners in recent years but plenty still going and i t...

if you guys want a bit of a comparison and field test this is what i've got:moving in air pixel poi... great to use as long as you're spinning confidently and not trying anything new.. ...

nice one nice one..! :-)

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Puppy Poi
Wall of Flames
Upside down
Solar Poi Eclipse
Hula Hoop in Historic Museum
Prayers to the Dragon Staff
beam me up
Felix the Fire-Cat
Resign to the inevitable
Spinning at Psy Candy.  Sydney
Paint Party
Mermaid Fire
Estrella de Fuego
black and white poi
Got Flow?
night flight
Dragon smiles
4 freedoms monuments
They blow fire
Fire Elemental
Fire Tongue
For the love of hoops
Sacral Chakra
wizard of the hoopz
Miss Gemma Trick
Snow Storm
Orbs of light

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