Did everyone think it was as good as I did?Flaming bagpipes? Giant wooden chicken flamethrowered? 4 days of spinning?What wasn't to like?Thanks to anyone who helped organise/set-up. And...
28th March, 2010 It's even bigger than I expected! "I know the dimensions are up but it didn't click until I opened the box. I love it the weight makes it really stable and I've learned heaps of new stuff already!" Michael, Australia. [Verified Buyer] GOLD Member since Aug 2005
28th March, 2010 These are awesome "I've been hearing about flowlights for ages I finally took the plunge and bought some. Well worth it!" Michael, Australia. [Verified Buyer] GOLD Member since Aug 2005
12th March, 2010 These are the second set of these I have owned "i love them you can put tennis balls in them or glow i use two different types of glow heads in mine. They are awesome for orbitals and isolations with a good amount of elasticity and they look so cool!" Michael, Australia. [Verified Buyer] GOLD Member since Aug 2005
22nd February, 2010 Nick Woolsey is an inspiration "This DVD is wicked! So much to learn even on moves I can already do Nick show alternate methods to learn futhering what I already knew. I recommend this DVD to anyone trying to find the next step with their spinning!" Michael, Australia. [Verified Buyer] GOLD Member since Aug 2005
22nd February, 2010 Impressed. "I ordered this on a whim while ordering other products but when it arrived I was really impressed with it. It's a really nice little piece I wear it every day now." Michael, Australia. [Verified Buyer] GOLD Member since Aug 2005