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Profile for boobookittyfudge

sneaky little kitty
GOLD Member since Sep 2005
Registered on: 9th Sep 2005
Total posts: 251

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Last Forum Posts

Liquidpoi and SP1NDOWN- I am trying to get everyone to come down to the square on Feb 1st, but with the cold weather I don't know how many will come. I will let you know. Bluecat- We wo...

well, yeah! I didn't mean to imply we only do fire. we also do glo poi and regular poi. we have a couple of people who do staff and whips. we also have a juggler. little bit of everythi...

Hello, Adam. I live in Springfield. I have a fire troop and we usually meet once a month to perform on the square. Let me know if you are interested in comming some time. It has been a...

Follow your Friends

Feet Poi
Static Props at Burning Man
Fire star with Jenna Noelle
ninja poi knife
Fire Noir
Control your fire...
cheeeeeezzze whizz
Swallowed by fire.
Whats behind the mask you ask?
Back to my roots
Fire fetish
Nikki Steez with Fire Fans at Fractalfest
Spinning fans
Twisted Bliss
Sriracha Sugar Skull
The Two Ghosts
inside the shades
The art of dart
flowers on top of the university of johannesburg
Dread wars
Fire on the Beach
medieval love
Fire goddess

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