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Profile for Raphael96

old hand
SILVER Member since Sep 2002
Registered on: 7th Sep 2002
Total posts: 899

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Last Forum Posts

Its that time of year again!Is anybody planning on going to Pennsic this year?If you don't know what Pennsic is, its the biggest SCA event of the year (www.pennsicwar.org)I plan to be g...

I can believe it!The rowers I have known probably wouldn't be spinning fire...unless they lit whole trees and spun those.

I don't think I've ever met a lightweight rower. Everyone I knew who did crew were built like fireplugs.

Follow your Friends

spheres and balance to Sadirvan
Ready brek to spin
Follow your hoops and dreams
à la mode
Burning with Passion
The Tahoe Fire Dancers!
Let the burn begin
💚🔥 Crazy Amber Rain 🔥💚
New Hotness
All smiles
Just burning things...
look ma! no hands!
mile high nights
Ninja Fountain Staff
fired battle
Clown ball
4 petal ninja
John was taken before his time.
Fire soul
Sylvi Nooping
Fire love
Cloudy Hoop
Sunset flows
Painting with light
4 freedoms monuments
stary night

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