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Profile for fire bird

fire bird
Registered on: 12th Sep 2002
Total posts: 3

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Last Forum Posts

so i got the "circles of light" vid's and got puzzeled . what are u guys use to transfer fire on the body? is this coleman? can only colman do that? what is it? is it gas? is it liqu...

Follow your Friends

Colorful flower at LAN
Praying to the Fire God
Fire Sword Backbend
Carnival Performance
Fire Happy
Bright whites around the bright lights
The juggler and the sea
Hoop Group BCHC
Lost in Flames
Fire Safety
Flowers traped in the circle
[M]ikien & San[d]ina - Akropartnerpoi aufm Sand
Double trouble trails
don´t hide
Engulfed in fire
Hula Helmet
Balls at Bin Ladens Riyadh HQ
Dawn of Happenstance 9
On faya
light became me
Trippy LED
Morrigan s Birth
My first light
telekinesis poi
Flower Power
rainbow corkscrew
Dragon Tantric Fire Bend!
double poi post
Yin Yang Vortex
B&W circus fans

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