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Profile for iamnickd

GOLD Member since Aug 2006
Registered on: 17th Aug 2006
Total posts: 13

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Last Forum Posts

I just bought my ticket to Burning Man.My only concern is all the crap I'm getting about Burning Man being a drug fest. I don't do drugs and I'm feeling a little anxious now. I'm not s...

A friend of mine spins cathedrals and his go out about a minute or more before my tubes do. I've been spinning fire for almost a year, and have never had a problem with my tubes. They...

http://www.homeofpoi.com/shop/productDetails/182_53_fire_poi|I've been spinning these for quite some time now, and I love them.


Pair of Fluffy Poi Heads Only  
23rd July, 2007
"I've been spinning poi for over 3 years now and fire for almost a year. My practice poi have all been some combination of painful or ineffective. These heads are wonderful as they allow practice sessions to become more effective since the fear of injury is no longer an element. Now don't get me wrong you'll still feel them but the pain is minimal compared even to some sock poi I've used. I would highly recommend this for beginners and experts alike. But do yourself a favor attatch them to chains if you spin fire with chains because you will get a varied effect that is more similar cabled fire poi with the nylon string."
Denton, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2006

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Make art from within
Surreal Fire Conclave. Burning Man 2015
jedi poi
A Chill Orbital
My Spirit Animal
Natures elements
Color my World
Visual triquetras
Fire and Zen
Reign/Rain of Fire
Shades of Nature
Sunshine on my hoops makes me happy
Rocca calascio
~Love Blooms~
Quest for the Legendary Hat
Hotter than fire
It gets a bit heavy
Fire has no master !
Alab hunk duo bench & justin
Ace from Fiera Flow
Fire 🔥
My Happy Place
Double hoops and sun rays
NCTU Fire Dance Club welcoming party
Do you even toe hang?

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