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Profile for ultrahigh

Registered on: 28th Sep 2006
Total posts: 7

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Last Forum Posts

Yep, i think the general consensus here is that GMO's can be beneficial, but there is so much skope for misuse, natural conservation problems, proper testing - long term and transparent...

to all those who are on the fence and or disagree that climate change is happening.look outside, their are millions of cars relentlessly driving around day and night in every single cit...

well said spinner

Follow your Friends

Double Swords
A Light in the Dark
fuego artist
Dance with the dragonstaff
Couples who flow together, grow together.♥
A friend at Herald Sq
The face through the fire
Fire and Ice
Warm Embrace
Christy Fricks of Sulukule
Fire Fest
Sunset Silhouette
Dragon Staff wheel of fire
Close to the flame
f u n :
Phoenix rising
circuspunk manipulator
forgot to charge the battery!
Double Time
Phoenix riding a dying star
Coyote Ugly
Lots of Dots
Feed the flames and set them dancing
FireFans at Bückeburg
Spinning Flower
Puzzle Trails!
Slippery Falls
Great time in Greece

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