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Profile for Feydreva

BRONZE Member since Apr 2003
Registered on: 28th Apr 2003
Total posts: 37

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Last Forum Posts

Hi all...me and my friend have some discution about the Five Beats Weave...the "normal" weave is 2 + 1after.. for me the 4B weave i when with one arm you do 2 + 2 and with the other 2 +...

yep g deja pris contact je me suis mis sur leur mailing list.. g pris contact avec Adam..g vu que Raph y etait la bas aussi.. mais je crois qu il par dimanche .. tant pis and for s...

yep i think.. i go in austin for 1 month.. (i live at the and of the week) so.. i ll be back in paris after 8 august..

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