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Profile for Zeraul

Registered on: 4th Jun 2003
Total posts: 1

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Last Forum Posts

My first problem is wenn is a good time to light the staff... How much experience do you need...I have stoppet hitting my self now and have control over the staff... But hey you can mak...

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In Australia
Fire Belle
My Sacred Circle
Tribal spirit
Candid Sexy
Do More Poi
Dragon staff fun!
One leg, no hands
Fire Angel
Leaning Tower of Pisa
playing with fire
Ghosts in the Forrest
The Edge...
Electricity aura
Time warp
Lava Cake
afro sunset
River Island Spinning
My heritage, Change (Both designed by me)
Jedi Fire
Consumed by fire.
To Understand the Fire, You Must Be the Fire.
Cirque du St. Croix
wutchoo know about triquetras?
Make it hott!
Jarred Chalke
Calling of FIRE
3 poi at home
orange mecanique

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