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Profile for Singed Piper (formerly Mark1)

Singed Piper (formerly Mark1)
resident bagpiper
Registered on: 11th Jul 2003
Total posts: 342

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Last Forum Posts

bulletproof yourself :P

sorry sparkey, I tried this with some of my band's old premier heads, when we got new heads for scotland... the weave is too tight. they're meant to be strung tight, so theres no real ...

I utterly despise the ipod video. its a ripoff of the infinitely more capable archos line of products.view my explanation here: http://www.gschoppe.com/blog/?p=37

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Guan Yin fire goddess
Wolverine wannabe
Ground work
Ring of Fire
Sea hoop
french riviera
Lighting up for a Cause
flower's reflection
Toasting Those Buns!
Stage show Bulgaria
Fire ninja
Dragon onesie at sunset
Wicked Wednesday
Under Colored Lights
The Archer
Lights in the night
Poi Enjoy
Masked Orbitals
Celtic Buugen
Sonic blooming photo by Bradford watkins
Tyler Edwards Fire poi
From love of fire smile
Circle of fire
Fire Flower
flame staff
ohio burn unit
Desert sands

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