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Profile for Sealey

Registered on: 16th Apr 2007
Total posts: 30

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Last Forum Posts

I see what you mean about wankers cramp. I reckon it's damn near impossible to complete on expert... so I've given up :P

I've only be spinning a month but I've learned that you have to be brave- don't fear the poi! And also I found that if you obsessively try to do a particular move for 1-3 days you'll ha...

I always thought of Watchmen as slightly overrated, but still incredibly good. You're right about the casting. That blows. They keep making shoddy films from comic books. V for Vendetta...

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hoop love
Neon Fantasy
Show time
Scarecrow murderer
Sharks spin fire to.
_no title_
holy fire
Swirly Twirly Vortex Blues
Poi By The Water
Peek a boo!
Color my World
Visions of Empathy
dream flowers...
Breaking Dimensions
Bizarre Bazaar & Variety Show
Fire flower
Fire Curtain Acro
Sagittarius Arrow With Glowsticks On Shoelaces, Keepin It OldSkool! @ Ravers Only: Cant Stop Raving featuring Dune in NYC
Im a fairy in a fire fairy world
Infinity snake!!!!
Hearts of Fire
Black Cat LED
Double Fire Hooping in the Dead of Winter
Poi love
be still
A Flower Fountain

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