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Profile for E_V_I_L

Registered on: 30th Jul 2003
Total posts: 346

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Last Forum Posts

Om Nom Nom Nom is meant to be a homage to the Cookie Monster and the noise he used to make.Sad as it is, the different MeMe's really do amuse me.OmNomNomNom, LolCats, Diabeetus,Demotiva...

Personally I've had a couple of run ins with the paranormal, so for me it's a big yes on some scores.Ghosts, OBEs etc are all "confirmed" in my mind as being possible even if not always...

Wicked! Happy for ya matey, that's really awesome!Facebook - making hugs possible and letting people decide who they want to speak to (Without all that naff HTML getting in the way!)

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A Vaudeville Christmas
Dancing In The Stars
Kaleidoscope Festival 2017
Forest flow
Flame in Hand
Wookie weirdness
Sedona Silks on Fire
Random hands,random movements,one love &lt;3
The circus has arrived.
Can you feel it
On faya
Flower City Vaudeville
My road of Poi
Snow Flow
Overhead Dragon Stall
Blissed out
Sonics Gold Rings
Rope Dart
Hoopin RVA
Beauty fire
is on top of a fire work obscure enough?
Flaring up the Cave
Balencing of the Niko
Fiery booty
Voi Worship
Draco Pendragon Floating Fire
Triquetra Justice

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