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Profile for Firery_Fetus

Registered on: 23rd Jun 2007
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

i'm about two hours from you down in the Reading area, i've just recently got introduced to the scene and have been trying to learn the basics, but if you want to get together sometime ...

thanks for all the replies guy, it was awesome to meet you all, and here's the template for whoever requested itName: Bryant or Fetus, and fetus came about one drunken evening with frie...

my name's bryant, but most everyone calls me fetus. i'm from the US, near Philadelphia in PA which is on the East Coast. and as i foudn out from Southern Lights, people in england are ...

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Fire spinning in London
Flowers of my life
fire diabolo at a festival in Austin Tx
Its all about the stamen :-
Having fun
The storm of Fire🔥
Poi Passion
Eva Lou Hoops
Tanapauni by Dreamdancers
Sandy Marabahaya
Work It
For the love of flow
Tasting the Heat
Blood Moon Double Fire Hooping Love
nature hooplah
Fire Phoenix
Doodle Fans
Hoop, long exposure
Thats hot
Not the average dragon
Snail and Butterfly
My date with the flames
Acrobatic at Bückeburg
Eclipsing hoop

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