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Profile for jlevet

GOLD Member since Aug 2007
Registered on: 12th Aug 2007
Total posts: 1

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Fire and Light
Light Toys from HoP

Last Forum Posts

There are www.firestuff.co.nz/forumsSummer fire is at Basque reserve in newton though on tuesdays from sunsetish


Expert LED Contact Staff  
10th July, 2018
This thing is the best!
"I had an earlier version of this (the breakdown fire staff) that lasted me a few years until being stolen from my car :( It's fantastic to have it back again! I'll definitely be picking up the fire heads at some point to go with the LED units. Gotta love breakdown staves. Cheers crew! Keep up the good work"
Spyder, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2007

2 1/2 inch Tennis Ball  
3rd December, 2009
Possibly Indestructible - 7 Months on
"I've now had these toys for 7 months and I'm still as happy with them as the day I purchased them. These toys are extremely well made and last for ages with the most basic level of care. I've recently taken the outer silicone layer off to make the staff thinner for finger-spinning and can't say that i'm having huge trouble with the lack of grip (Much more fun) Bear in mind that once the silicone layer is off it will be extremely hard to replace it easily. I've also been cutting loose completely with them and can tell you all they survive extremely high throws with a missed catch on to grass well. Of course I don't recommend actually doing this as it CANT be good for them :)"
Jarrod, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2007

2 9/16 Inch Acrylic Glitter UV Contact Juggling Ball 65mm  
14th December, 2010
"Most excellent for multi-ball"
Spyder, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2007

3 3/4 Inch Acrylic Glitter UV Contact Juggling Ball 95mm  
14th December, 2010
"These are stunning people-magnets. If you hit them with a green laser (Be careful they reflect the beam VERY well) at night they will attract everyone within visual range :)"
Spyder, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2007

Acrylic Contact Juggling Ball 3 3/4 Inch 95mm - Glow in the Dark  
14th December, 2010
Coolest Night Contact ball ever
"These things are insane. If you don't believe me hit them with a UV light at night :) Scratches and dents show up a little less than other fully clear contact balls. One of the best night-performance balls out there"
Spyder, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2007

Glow Short Staff 3ft  
3rd December, 2009
Possibly Indestructible - 7 Months on
"I've now had these toys for 7 months and I'm still as happy with them as the day I purchased them. These toys are extremely well made and last for ages with the most basic level of care. I've recently taken the outer silicone layer off to make the staff thinner for finger-spinning and can't say that i'm having huge trouble with the lack of grip (Much more fun) Bear in mind that once the silicone layer is off it will be extremely hard to replace it easily. I've also been cutting loose completely with them and can tell you all they survive extremely high throws with a missed catch on to grass well. Of course I don't recommend actually doing this as it CANT be good for them :)"
Jarrod, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2007

3 Piece Fusion Fire Staff  
27th May, 2009
Still Going Strong!
"I've had this staff for about 2 years now had it re-wicked once and it's still going strong! This thing is unbreakable - and I assure you it's hit the concrete more than once :)"
Jarrod, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2007

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Stalls of Love
Just a casual Sunday Afternoon
Fire & Ice
Artistic Love
Flow Love
Me and my Phoenix Staff
Showing some pride
Fan firestorm
Hoop love
Fire Wings
My daughter and the fire
LazyAngel¬socks in Yangshuo
Fiya flowa
Scarlet bark
Galactic Flames
Fire Moon and Ocean
Glow ball antics!
el greñas!!!
Mid-Summers Night Flame
A familiar place
Sizzle Bots
Rock that!
So-Cal Sessions
Airborn Again ;
Killian- Age 5
Hybrid four petal flower
Elements Copenhagen

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