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Profile for Sarah_P

BRONZE Member since May 2008
Registered on: 12th May 2008
Total posts: 78

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Last Forum Posts

Woohoo, fire juggling!

I've been on WoW twice now and both times I got well and truly addicted - completely neglected things (daily ablutions, pet hygiene, state of the house with pets running free, etc) in f...

First time I saw fire poi spun was at a renfaire in Ojai CA. A friend of mine looked so awesome spinning (he's been doing it 4 years) as well as other spinners who were also there, when...

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Cold Scenery
Fire Sprite at Imbolc
The joy of performing
Coral Bay
Snakes on Hippie Hill
Saber Flow
Guardian of the gate
CrazyPink UK
Stilt Fire Poi
Matrix dragon  staff
Vodka & Fire Always Mix Well
Daniele Testa Yantra
Dragon´s Church
Jason Likes em Hot
Denyse Dansereau
Roses are red, I’m on a mission, with many props, I hope to win this competition
3 poi
Heart Burn
Hearth Fire
Happy go lucky
Snow fire flower
scientist flow
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Jon Brown dragon staff
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