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Profile for LUCIAN POIER

Registered on: 24th Oct 2001
Total posts: 12

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Last Forum Posts

Name: SimonHOP NAME: Lucian PoierPlace of birth: The beautiful Island of St.Lucia in the CaribbeanI swing glow sticks, fire, basically almost anything thats swingableResidence: Clearwat...

Thank you NYC.

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Follow your Friends

Fire on the sea
Upside down
Green scene
poi hug
Fire performance
Bubbles - Photography by Christina D.
forever fire
The Neon Demon
embers circle
Flying Phoenix
my practise shots
Circus queen
Fire Angel
Fire Lyra
Flower 2
light swing
Wolverine wannabe
The Lady and Her Dragon Staff
Chautauqua Gorge Hike
Throw your fans
Electrical Flag Flow
Light Toys from HoP
Loves Bitch
Fire Eating
Nikki Steez with Fire Fans at Fractalfest
Whirl Wind of Fire!!!
Guy Fawkes
Thank you 2017

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