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Profile for 4LeafClover

SILVER Member since Aug 2008
Registered on: 20th Aug 2008
Total posts: 32

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Last Forum Posts

I remember from another spinner that there is a burning festival in Detroit each year around September time.Being in southern Ontario, it is probably the closest festival's to me. The g...

To all concerned. I appreciate that. But when I put them in the socks, I spent much time making sure that they were not going to come out, unless I wanted them too. Also to "Live i...

Alright. Another thing that is helping me. Now this may be the worst idea I have ever thought of in my entire life. But I got an old pair of socks, stretched them out, to make them into...


Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
14th October, 2008
Great Staff!!
"For 8-9 bucks this item is great for your start. Whether it be breathing eating or whatever else this is a great wand. The wick is not that big but it is a fair size and produces a very good sized flame. The size of the wand is very good as well. Where would a fire artist be without HoP"
Oneill, Canada.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Aug 2008

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food contact ball
Beading Heart
Filigree Flames
Cherry burn
Contactstaff black & white
Fancy Fire
Fire Foot hooping
Shadow Spinner
Glow girl
River Trip Poi
Fire contact staff
casting fire magic:
Fresh color
Desert hearts...
The Jedi Path!!
Coming full circle
One Leg Cascade
Sobeks Trident
The clone wand
Jo Kawasaki : Fire swords
Born from Roses
Sirkuz Days

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