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Profile for NOn

activist for HoPper liberation.
Registered on: 23rd Jun 2004
Total posts: 1,643

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Last Forum Posts

Hi folks, long time no see, i'm not dead. Just been uber busy, and no time for poi spinnage... trying to get my bum back to going to juggling club on thursdays, which you should all tr...

indeedly, that's how i ended up there this weekend - the others were booked... 'tis also a bit expensive on a saturday or friday... methinks outside of school holiday season would be be...

yo, first post has just been updated with townhill info and monmouth info - as i understand it... Shaping_light can you please check i got the info right for your bridge meet?thankyou m...

Follow your Friends

Florida Flow Sesh
Elements Copenhagen
Got to think of something.
Payne and Sarah
Ocean reflections
Bending at Backwoods
Sweet Spot
Top of my head
Fire Hooping Shoulder Stand
poi in the sky
Lock Sights
Double Contact Staff
Moonshine Dance
Flaming Devil
Enchanted Woods
Hoop Warrior Princess
Inner Flame
laugh at danger
Im a little teacup!
Diamond Kaleidoscope
Buugeng Wings
Performance at Blissfall Festival
Balls in Wonderland
Fire palms
Poi is my ink!
Flux Pavilion show.
arty spin

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