Forums > Beginner Staff Moves > weave with staffs spinning opposite ways

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522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Anybody got any similar thing going on?I had a sh**ty day today so I figured i'd have a couple of burns to chill a little. First I started with some slow heavy poi and worked mainly around turning TTN, then I got my 3 foot doubles out and started spinning forward rotors out to my sides - you know the one that looks like a butterfly, then broke out to alternate.Started to groove and feel a lot better about my day being behind me when I threw my left hand infront of me and over to the right. At this point my right hand slid under my left and I realised I was gonna get one in the face for day dreamin - then a second later I was back into the alternate butterfly.I played with this a bit more and realised it feels like TTN with poi when you turn!? Guess I just went into auto pilot and my poi subconcious took over. I got it going so it feels like two beat weave and same time 2 beat(fig 8's) with poi and even managed to throw them to the left. grinIn theory, my head says this should look like a slightly off centre (poi) butterfly with four ends instead of two - at least from the front anyway. I get two 7 x 4 foot mirrors delivered tommorrow so i'll tell ya then. grin Still daren't give 3 beat weave any practice time as i'm still filling in the gaps with 2 beat weaves and turns - plus this means there's a whole load I only just started to understand - gulp.(sits back and wonders how to fit more hours in the day, then realises it's nearly four in the morning)...., night then. grinTEMPEST

78 posts
Location: london, england

or morning as it were. hmm,i'm gonna go practice. i can throw and catch my strong hand consistently while maintaining the beat of the weak one buuutthere needs to be that mental leap to letting both go...cheerso-o

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Hi 0-0,I'm not talking about throws, I'm talking about a 2 beat weave (like poi but with staffs) but the left hand is going reverse rotors and the right is doing forward rotors.Hope this clears things up.TEMPEST

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Does this mean I can name my new move?I think I would like to call it the sellafield seagull cos it looks like it got four wings when viewed from the front although it is still a little wonky. grin

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

yo,sounds tres cool. WTF is TTN tho, sorry, not really up on the terminology, and also, dosnt it say up there that you shouldent use abreviations? always puzzled me that one. n'way....more info please? smile smile smileNix

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Sorry Nix, please excuse the poiisms but it is the only way I can describe it at the moment. I was hoping other poiers might do staff and have had the same 'feeling' of theTTN (Thread the needle, there is an animation inthe poi lessons)Got the mirrors today and I think if I could keep everything perfectly parallel it would look like the four winged butterfly - bit of drunken butterfy at the moment but it does feel great to come out of this into a basic groove.Gonna try leaning around and see if I can straighten it up but they have to split up a bit (one high and one low) if your gonna exit - yes?Sorry Nix, I know you like doubles but I really think poi could help inform staff and vice versa. Apart from the 'ends' being at different angles - oh yeah and doubles staff has twice as much fire! grinTEMPEST

184 posts
Location: Stroudsburg, PA, USA

tres cool. ROFLreminds me of a George Carlin bit.

I smell something burning.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Hey Tempest. You coming to Sheffield on Saturday for Poi in the Park 3? I'm bringing fire for a public outing - rare for me.


522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Yep yep yep yep! grin

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

OK, done a little more practice and managed to get it going to my left and right and it definatley feels like turning a thread the needle.Only difference is you cant turn 360's and keep the butterfly going cos you got to split up the staffs.Any help on where to take it next?TEMPEST

78 posts
Location: london, england

oh. sorry - you had me well confused. uh well i still am, but i will try it anywaythankso-o

Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

ok, to add in more poiisms, everyone know what a burn the nose is? its a butterfly inside the arms, now to translate that to staff...take a staff in one hand and on a plane parallel to the one that extends from your nose, start it going forward, now it will come inside your arm for one full rotation, then one rotation on the outside of the arm, continue doing take another staff in opposite hand, and do it the opposite way...and bam, you have a butterfly with staff, and its damn cool, and, umm, yeah...

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Hey Whiffle,Yeah, there are quite a few variations to create a butterfly. I have been playing around with this lots recently and if you 'wrap' a staff on the opposite arm you can groove from a 2beat weave to a butterfly weave (I still prefer Sellafield seagull)without seperating the staffs. Not smooth at the moment and I'm using light polycarbonate staffs so I don't smash my arms up. grinDawny, my double staffing other half, has been experimenting with continuous fingerspins while moving the staffs around and a couple that look like 'burning the nose' or 'buzzsaw', then flourishing them behind - only thing is, her posture looks a bit stretched to make room for the staffs in front. Needless to say we have some ninja fast cutie 2 1/2 foot staffs/staves ordered grinStill can't take this seagull anywhere so I started chucking a staff over or under the other to progress. Not bad but certainly not consistent. Anyone?TEMPEST

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

still perplexed...are you doing a buterfly on one side of the body and then the other?N

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

God damn, been doing that seabird move for ages, if I had a known it was as yet undiscovered I woulda named it ages ago winkHave u tried doing it while spinning round in continuous 360s, that looks pretty cool.

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Hi Nix, yeah, if you switch from left to right it looks like your turning a butterfl with four short poi.Hi jester, I got some 360's going on and coming out of this move creates loads of possibilities it possible to keep this butterfly going while you move around and doing 360's - at the moment I have to split the staffs up to turn. Please tell me if anyone can keep turning the seagull thing like butterflies with poi as it doing my head in. grinStill waiting for my little staffs but how big can you go with a seagull? How long are you're staffs jester? Is it possible with a couple of five footers if you do it in follow time? Questions - ahhhhhhhh, please help me!

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

yo,think I got the seagull idea but it seems really crap and clumsy, but im moving both together, also trying to put shoulder rolls in so you get 3 'beats' of each butterfly. feels really awkward.N

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

My doubles staffs are 1 m, with the staff butterfly I can't think of any way to spin around without separating them, when they are in front or behind your body at the same time; but (this also relates to another current thread 'help with 5 beat weave (doubles staff)') when I was refering to spining in contiuous 360s I meant, if your doing 2 forwards 3 beat weaves they look like a butterfly except 1 staff is behind your back while the other is in front.hope this helps, if not I'll try to think of a more clear and concise way to put it into words. cheers

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

shit I just realized that it goes back to 2 beat once you've spun round 180 and then it can go back to 3 beat after another 180 spin.poi and words leave me confused

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

262 posts
Location: Edinburgh

if the seagull is what i think it is then the easy way to make it symmetrical is to do a snake with the hand coming now i'm off to try the same with reverse snakes also with my newly rewicked babies....

brain replacement...anyone?

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I've been doing TTN with doubles. I use fingerspin rotors to acheive it. Left hand = anti clockwise, righthand = clockwise. I also do BTN/buzzsaw with fingerspins. Something similar to the butterfly (but not, it seems, Tempest's version), and Low Wave.BTB fingerspin rotors are quite good, I find. As are fingerspin helicopters in front of my body. You can move these round and change the plane very easily.Most of my recent staff moves have been based on stuff I've seen Sy and Spiral doing with poi.[This message has been edited by Cantus (edited 13 March 2002).]


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