bairie fenlord high king of swingers *(now defunct)**(but will rise again ! !)*
165 posts
Location: wild wiltshire

Hello everybody !
This is the fairie Ben, here to float past you guys the idea of some staff workshoping ???
Thinking of a bi weekly evening staff tuition workshop, covering basics, movement, contact and anything else we can think of !
Looking at doing this on a hourly pay basis, with two tutors so you can drop in and either have general or a bit of one on one as it were !
Location will be just down from aldgate station, max capacity will be around fifteen people !
lots of love
let me know what you all a think ????

fly fairies, fly high, fly wide and take no prisoners !!!!!!

bairie fenlord high king of swingers *(now defunct)**(but will rise again ! !)*
165 posts
Location: wild wiltshire

I've thought about this and i reckon.......

O.k, how about the first workshop being in what I enjoy the most..

Movement or in otherwords expression through staff,we'll also pop in some contact. This workshop is come one come all ! free tea coffee, beer and a burn at the end ubbloco!

For references such kind souls as Bam-Bam, Coleman, UCOF, Simian, Smallboy, Knoxious, Hells Bells and the like may big me up if theyre kind otherwise you'll just have to trust that I'm a nutter !

max capacity will be eight people, cost will be £15 biggrin,Duration 3.5 hours so if you want to learn a little more about shaking a tail feather,and this sounds good please post your interest here.

love and fairy lights

and big up someone else

much obligied

fairie ben

a.k.a the cheekyboy

ubblove ubblove ubblove ubblove ubblove ubblove ubblove ubblove

EDITED_BY: shapeshifter (1089462613)

fly fairies, fly high, fly wide and take no prisoners !!!!!!

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

This is where I say something right?

This Ben speaks the truth...and makes very good cone poi wink

I say if you have the oppurtunity to go on one of these courses... DO IT!

and then learn double staff from Knoxious!

Ben is a very friendly, reliable chap who is also very easy to learn from....which is always a plus.

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

benny here is a f*ckin staff god.

and is one of the first firespinning friends i made ubblove hug

this is perfect for anyone getting to grips with single staff and wanting to learn how to really play.

ben - ya forgot to say what days these workshops will be on... smile

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

1,810 posts
Location: London

Ben is a staff god smile and a hot hottie too biggrin

If you get a chance to learn from this man then I say do it rolleyes
He's a great teacher, a giggle to be around and a nice guy ubblove

You'll not regret it, trust me.

Ben give me a bell if you get a chance...can't get you on ya mobile number (might be an old one though frown)

Love and hugs


A kiss blown is a kiss wasted, the only kind of kiss is a kiss tasted.

I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating and not just a LITTLE bit scary.

bairie fenlord high king of swingers *(now defunct)**(but will rise again ! !)*
165 posts
Location: wild wiltshire

Wow !
I know i was fishing for it, but WOW !
Love you guys heaps !
bammage me number is 07818683843 !
Don't know when to do workshop untill i have people for workshop ! Really don't want to spend hours sat on me own in a room again ! smile
rock and roll and come on you bastards !
just like vin diesel !

fly fairies, fly high, fly wide and take no prisoners !!!!!!

bairie fenlord high king of swingers *(now defunct)**(but will rise again ! !)*
165 posts
Location: wild wiltshire

Come on you lot !
*starts sobbing with paranoid gulps that no one believes he's good enough*
Throw me a bone here, you've had the recomendations from some of hops most stalwart members, lets froggin have it !
my baby needs food please help !!!!!!
lots of love

fly fairies, fly high, fly wide and take no prisoners !!!!!!

313 posts
Location: london,uk

Hi Ben....
Sorry,not lookiing for staff lessons,but i do want to say a big hug from maya,max and me to you and your new family.... clap grouphug

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
2,474 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

id be keen depending on when and where. not so interested in the basics but the contact and movement smile

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

bairie fenlord high king of swingers *(now defunct)**(but will rise again ! !)*
165 posts
Location: wild wiltshire

Hello annie!

Hi KIDS !!!!!!!!

Little Ruby Rose came to us on the 2nd of june, shes ace ! 2hr labour, no real problems and one gorgeous baby !
big love to you all !

Ben-ja-men the venue is off of commercial rd e1 nearest tube aldgate east, rampart st. community project building.
When is dependant on the world filling at least eight places or so, so come on world stuff my gap !

Also putting on a come one come all workshop at the same venue on thursdays starting at 6, see the new post in events for more details !

Big up yourselves xxx

fly fairies, fly high, fly wide and take no prisoners !!!!!!

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