NucleopoiBRONZE Member
chemical attraction
1,097 posts
Location: Ilkeston, Derbyshire, England

could some nice person please explain to me the butterfly it just butterfly on either side or can you do 2bt,3bt,4bt etc?if so how are these done?
thanx geo

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

It's exactly the same hand movements as a regular weave, but where both poi are going in opposite directions i.e. one forwards, one backwards. You can do it in 2/3/4/5/whatever beats, just remember that it's exactly the same hand movements as a regular weave. Keeping your planes nice and clean is the key to be able to do it smile

"Moo," said the happy cow.

NucleopoiBRONZE Member
chemical attraction
1,097 posts
Location: Ilkeston, Derbyshire, England

thanks il have a go at that,do you mean like split time butterfly but to the side.

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Well you can do it same or split time. Just remember that your hands are doing a weave motion.

"Moo," said the happy cow.

2 posts

May I ask for further clarification? Since the hand motion is slightly different (or, rather, reversed in time) for forward weave and reverse weave, which hand motion do you use when one poi is in forward and one is in reverse? (Or have I failed to understand butterfly weave?)

Thanks much.

328 posts
Location: uk


Been playing with this for a couple of eves, it's mainly something I already do, for this move to execute smoothly, you really need both forward ttn and reverse ttn.


1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Talus - either way. I find the easiest one to do is forward weave hand motions, left poi spinning forwards, right poi backwards... but you can do it in all the other combinations.

Perhaps try the two beat versions first?

"Moo," said the happy cow.

mtbeerGOLD Member
529 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

I find split time butterfly weaves work well for odd number beats 3,5...

Same time butterfly weaves appear to be esaier with even number beats 2,4,6...

Once you go past a butterfly 4 beat you will need to twist your wrists around one another much like the normal 5 beat weave.

Keeping the poi from smacking each other takes a lot of work with any of these.

"My skin is singed but it heals my heart and with glowing pride I'll wear my scars." -Davey Havok

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

BF weave is slightly different than normal weave in that you can do same-time weaves with an odd number of beats.

"Moo," said the happy cow.

Dragon7GOLD Member
625 posts
Location: Aotearoa (NZ), New Zealand

yeya i love that shizzle man, specially ttn weave, and then 5bt ttn weave into b-flyhyps thats sick!

We need that Jo Derry video back up, that movie taught me heaps.

Matty_BSILVER Member
1,314 posts
Location: Blu's Pocket, United Kingdom

I read this yesterday - and the tips are well good, I managed to get the 3bt bf weave going with turns in about an hour . . . still slightly sketchy but can see the path and get about 10 sides in before it goes pair shaped. . .

Thanks for the awesome tips . .. CHeers,

16 posts
Location: frankston, vic

is there any good videos showing the BF weave??? i'm totally confused

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IcerSILVER Member
just a shadow of my former self...
205 posts
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

yea, im abit confused too, i mean i thought i could do them, split-time and same-time, but if its just a ttn to either side, why the restriction on bts? i mean u can hold the bf or ttn until the cows coem home or ur arms fall off when its in front, so why the difference on the side? they just rotating in a different plane arnt they?

It took a while, but once their numbers dropped from 50 down to 8, the other dwarves started to suspect Hungry.

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

its the hand movement icer.

you can do as many bf/ttn's as you like on either side but if the poi were travelling in the same direction, it wouldn't work.

so for it to be analogous to a weave, your hands follow a weave pattern.

a 5bt bf weave will have 5bts in it before it repeats and the hands will follow the same movements as in a regular follow time 5bt weave - i.e. you get the wrists twisting around each other on each side to provide the extra circles.


Written by: spiralx

BF weave is slightly different than normal weave in that you can do same-time weaves with an odd number of beats.

confused i can do a 3bt parallel weave.

and so can mr bovril i seem to recall...

they is ugly and fairly pointless but they work fine.

cole. x

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i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
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RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

I'm glad someone else finally agreed with me, since people told me for ages I couldnt do a same time 5bt bf weave..

and get on the antispin bandwagon coleypoo.. then ou will see that you actually can butterfly and ttn going same direction wink

:runs off after confusing people..:

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colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

i can kinda ttn and bf in same direction but my hands don't look like they do when i'm doing a bf - they waggle around lots and move past each other.

i care about my planes too much to go any further than that... wink

cole. x

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

Cute Little Burning BallBRONZE Member
101 posts
Location: Here and There... mostly there., Germany

so am not sure if i got this right but from what i´ve understood a Butterfly weave is the same as doing splittime ttn butterflies at side planes...with different beats?

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RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

yes and now.. the issue with the butterfly weave, is that people want to stress that the hands need to twist same direction like a weave... whihc is but isnt different form a ttn.. depending on wheterh you are doing a straight arm butterfly weave or wheter you actually twist your ttn and not jus tstraight arm it.. shrug

More useless information courtesy of Rev...
Confusing the masses, one post at a time...
"Obviously, you're not a golfer.."- The Dude
"Buy the ticket... Take the ride..." -Raoul Duke
"FEMA has never done catastrophe planning..."-Michael Brown

Cute Little Burning BallBRONZE Member
101 posts
Location: Here and There... mostly there., Germany

k cool, think i got it umm, still gotta work on the beats tho... and avoid crashing the poi against each other what seems to be quite the hardest part of the trick hehe

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. - Calvin 'Calvin & Hobbes'

IcerSILVER Member
just a shadow of my former self...
205 posts
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

yea, thanks for clearing all that up guys....i think it all makes sense now...kinda, might go and practie abit now, spose to be studying and writing an essay, but i think this more important biggrin

It took a while, but once their numbers dropped from 50 down to 8, the other dwarves started to suspect Hungry.

Cute Little Burning BallBRONZE Member
101 posts
Location: Here and There... mostly there., Germany

I know what u mean, im such a new trick junkie myself

Arriba la Procrastination!!!!


Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. - Calvin 'Calvin & Hobbes'

PsyriSILVER Member
1,576 posts
Location: Berkshire, UK

this one is something I'm still stuck on too

IcerSILVER Member
just a shadow of my former self...
205 posts
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

yea, finding it abit hard not to slip reverse one of the poi and end up in a standard weave rotation, or i end up just doin ttn on either side without twisting my hands up. i cant seem to twist my hands with out ending up in a weave rotation (both poi spin same direction), will kkep working on it tho, instead of this stupid essay...

It took a while, but once their numbers dropped from 50 down to 8, the other dwarves started to suspect Hungry.

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Cole - you can do a 3bt parallel weave, but it isn't symmetrical is what I meant to say smile

"Moo," said the happy cow.

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