Forums > Videos > spinning for about 8 or 9 montths now

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poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

decided to upload a video finally. tell me what you think.
i would love some friendly criticism so i know what to work on and what looks good. im still a little noob at poi but im getting there haha

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
1,277 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Nice. I think you've definitely got enough of a technical repertoire to perform with, and it's pretty clean, too. It's tough to critique movement indoors, since you can't get much room, but I think the only thing that I didn't like was that you were kind of glued to one spot. But in general I think you're learning good stuff that will lend itself to moving freely.


poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

ya i hate spinning indoors only place i could play music loud though unfortunately. thanks for the feedback

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

Great flow, but since you're not outside and what you would normally be doing, I can't really critique much. But there are some things that you just repeat too much. That's just something I had to actively take notice of and practice not repeating things. Although I still do it at times. It's an ongoing battle for everyone I would believe, just hoping you'd take notice of it smile

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

EpitomeOfNoviceGOLD Member
Putting the "FUN" in fundamental since 1981
787 posts
Location: Dover, Delaware USA

Looks like you have a higher ceiling than myself, confined areas make things a touch tricky. With the light level in your video it would help for you to turn on your LEDs, then we see the poi better and get to see you. yes

~Rock on!~

"As the pattern gets more intricate and subtle, being swept along is no longer enough"-Waking Life

(All you RLers this is epitome_of_lame *waves hello*)

poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

my leds are dead frown im gonna go buy some more batteries this weekend hopefully,(unless i use my led glowsticks but i kinda hate those, nasty little things) and imma try choreographing for my first time and put a video up. ya i got a high ceiling just confined with the sides.

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali


decide to use the glowsticks after all. i tryed to have a good flow in the video and keep it simple so it looked good. but i think i made it a bit to repetitive.

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

EpitomeOfNoviceGOLD Member
Putting the "FUN" in fundamental since 1981
787 posts
Location: Dover, Delaware USA

Next time keep the lights on, some dim light and LEDs allow us to see your body and the LED help enhance the poi. smile

~Rock on!~

"As the pattern gets more intricate and subtle, being swept along is no longer enough"-Waking Life

(All you RLers this is epitome_of_lame *waves hello*)

poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

lol alright i will thanks for the advice :)i will do that next time. i was trying to do something like yutas LED concert light performace where you couldnt see the body and you were focused on only the lights

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

lightninrobSILVER Member
2 posts
Location: USA

not gonna lie, youre AWESOME. you make it look easy tongue2

poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

haha thanks, i have to work on so much stuff though. but thanks for the comment make me really happy to hear that.

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

ive been addicted to uploading videos lately >.< promise ill stop for awhile after this one, at least till i spin fire for my firsst time.

audio swap is taking forever though, and i tryed to move more like people have been telling me grin
EDITED_BY: poismylove (1285365107)

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

EpitomeOfNoviceGOLD Member
Putting the "FUN" in fundamental since 1981
787 posts
Location: Dover, Delaware USA

That was really good and the best footage for lighting and screen shot you have so far! smile

When posting videos (I have to self record too) setting up the camera before hitting play is the part of filming I take the most care in so I know my marks and ensure the lighting is adjusted. It helps a lot setting up where to place yourself in the shot and equating the marks to where you appear on the screen. yes

Enough of the com-tech jibberish, you did it well with this video and remember to take the same care in future ones because you did a good job spinning and self filming! clap

~Rock on!~

"As the pattern gets more intricate and subtle, being swept along is no longer enough"-Waking Life

(All you RLers this is epitome_of_lame *waves hello*)

poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

thank you grin

i took your idea of setting the camera on the ground hehe. and i used that pole of whatever it was to know where in the video.

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali


spinning to my faveorite trance song. at least i believe this is trance, so hard to tell which which kind of techno a song is.

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

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