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Profile for lightninrob

SILVER Member since Dec 2009
Registered on: 30th Nov 2009
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

not gonna lie, youre AWESOME. you make it look easy

Hey spinners. I, like many of you caring people probably try to do, try to minimize my environmental footprint. It seems like spinning fire poi soaked in kerosene would generate a lot o...

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Sensuous Inferno
Taste the flames
Fire Fans
Striking Gold
Catching the Sun
Twin Hearts
magic  orbital
Free your mind
fire demon
Mother Hooper
Born in flames
Patrick star
I survived because the fire within me burned brighter than the fire around me.
jedi poi
Finding my light
Sunset Fairy Fest
Cherry burn
1 Club
Wild Child
Fire Flowers
Banyan Beauty
with ms universe philippines 2013.national tv
Fire fan fun!
Fire & Skin
6 Ball
Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, USA
Vortex staff


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