What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.
-ivy. = ^ )
Ralph, jesus did not have wheels.--sunday school teacher, the simpsons
Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"
Neo:Wow, that sounds like a really good deal, but I have a better one. How about I give you the finger and you give me my phone call?
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HoP Posting Guidelines
Is it the Truth?
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Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always
Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"
Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella
A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura
What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.
quote:But poi isn't martial arts. It's fun, yeah, but it's not a religion. If we look at its roots, it was done for a number of reasons, but in and of itself, there was never that much spirituality assigned to it. It's not like yoga or karate.
Originally posted by Brody:
Right reasons? Well hey, I do it because when you're there with the fire around, nothing else matters, no matter how bad your day went or whatever's stressing you out... it's a release.
but on the other hand you might be contributing to the trivialization of the art by giving away its secrets.
I think maybe that's why martial arts have several varying degrees of rank, and only teach certain skills at certain ranks so a student must display the necessary devotion to learn the secrets of the discipline... I dunno, maybe I'm just paranoid but right now I'm dealing with the question of training a friend of mine who I'm not sure will do good things with firedance. What do you guys think?
Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella
A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura
Neo:Wow, that sounds like a really good deal, but I have a better one. How about I give you the finger and you give me my phone call?
What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.
Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
ex-hop-aholic, now inconsistent lurker...
Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella
A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura
Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"
From the most primitive cultures to the most advanced civilizations,man has had to manufacture things;his well-being depends on his success at production.The lowest human tribe cannot survive without that alleged source of pollution: fire. Ayn Rand
What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.
quote:beautiful paddy. i wish i was this articulate.
I don't think there are right/wrong reasons to start an activity. What other reasons are there to start apart from thinking that the activity in question looks fun and interesting, and then wanting to try something that is fun, interesting, and new to you? Whether you started before or during the fad, what other reasons can you claim to have?
Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
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