"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock
"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock
Chief adviser to the Pharaoh, in one very snazzy mutli-coloured coat
'Time goes by so slowly for those who wait...' - Whatever Happend To Baby Madonna?
Written by: that article
Knowing that the hospital was short of supplies, the team had screened Dr Weinstein’s blood the day before for compatibility
"beg beg grovel beg grovel"
"There was an arse there, i couldn't help myself"
'If your deeds shouldn't be known, perhaps they shouldn't be done, if your words shouldn't be shared, perhaps they shouldn't be spoken. Act with attention, for all your acts have consequences" (Rabbi Judah HaNassi)
"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"
jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley
Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu
enticed, entrapped, entombed.
intoxicated, impaled, ingested.
bewitched, beaten, broken.
enter the love realm...
insert ur token
o jej, ale bym ci wylizal ten pepek
stepped up promotions
"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"
jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley
After much consideration, I find that the view is worth the asphyxiation.
I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Written by: Mr Majestik
guide lines for donating in australia here.
you can never donate in australia if you have:
.lived in the UK between 1980-1996 for a cumulative period of 6 months or more (mad cow disease)
. are HIV positive
.injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor or dentist
.have hepatitis B or C
.had open heart surgery
additionally you can have you iligibility temporarily suspended if you:
• had a tattoo (in the last 12 months)
• had a blood transfusion(in the last 12 months)
• had any piercing performed with clean, single use disposable equipment (in which case Plasma only can be used)
• have been in prison or lock up(in the last 12 months)
• had male to male sex(in the last 12 months)
• had sex with a prostitute(in the last 12 months)
• had a partner with hepatitis B or C(in the last 12 months)
• are pregnant or breast feeding
• have a cold, flu, sore throat or diarrhoea
• have been taken antibiotics in the last 5 days
• had dental work (fillings/cleaning in the last 24 hours and 1 week for root canal treatment)
"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock
Written by: Neon Shaolin
That's nearly over half of all potential applicants out of the window then? And how come female to female sex is allowed?
Written by: Sethis
It's actually quite fun
"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"
jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley
"You've gone from Loey the Wonder Lesbian to everyone wondering if you are a lesbian." - Shadowman
Yesterday is yesterday. If we try to recapture it, we will only lose tomorrow.
Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed
Chief adviser to the Pharaoh, in one very snazzy mutli-coloured coat
'Time goes by so slowly for those who wait...' - Whatever Happend To Baby Madonna?
Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella
A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura
Written by: Brit_Joe
Female to female sex is allowed because of the way things go physicly, lesbian sex is the most safe kind of sex you can have with very little chance of anything spreading (other than genital warts or thrush of some sort hehe)
"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"
jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley
"i am exotic, and must keep my arms down" - Rougie
"i don't understand what penises have to do with getting married" - Foxie
Aim high and you'll know your limits, aim low and you'll never know how high you could have climbed.
Written by: Brit_JoeEek thats abit shockingly irrisponsible, you cant just go giving blood without going through the usuall procedures first though, what would the world come too if that was the norm
The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."
Written by: Doc Lightning
What I don't get is why he couldn't donate just before the case rather than having to stop in the middle of it all.
Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
Written by: foxindocks
Written by: kyrian
What I don't get is why we couldn't find a nurse or somebody with the same/ a useful blood type....
"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"
jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley
Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
Written by: Kyrian
I mean we all know surgeons are superhuman but better not to stack the odds. What I don't get is why we couldn't find a nurse or somebody with the same/ a useful blood type....
Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella
A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura
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