meltingBRONZE Member
76 posts
Location: newcastle, Australia


I have searched through the forums and on peoples profile
but i havent found what om looking for.
i live in newcastle australia and i want to meet with other twirlers.
I have heard that there is a group that gets together somewhere. i was hoping someone
could and let me know who where how when. thanks

are you gonna drink that?

meltingBRONZE Member
76 posts
Location: newcastle, Australia

serious???? over 400 views but no one has written anything. no one can help and and tell me any information?
what would you do?

are you gonna drink that?

1 post

I found it to others. Thanks to.
More recently, the Thai sport of cockfighting to the game. คาส...609;์ source of คาสิโนออนไลน์, as indeed in other countries.
EDITED_BY: onzevil1 (1328701280)

meltingBRONZE Member
76 posts
Location: newcastle, Australia

????? What the hell ?????

are you gonna drink that?

2 posts
Location: Australia

Friday nights behind the lass isnt there something?

Mr MajestikSILVER Member
coming to a country near you
4,696 posts
Location: home of the tiney toothy bear, Australia

i have a friend who moved there a week ago, he likes fire but doesnt spin smirk train to syd?

"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"

jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley

ThrutchBRONZE Member
3 posts
Location: Sydney, australia

Theres a few groups in sydney, but also some down in newcastle. Ive got a few twirler friends there, not sure where they train though. Contact Circus Avalon, they probably know where to go.

If someone tells you your fly is down, it means they were staring at your crotch

JamethGOLD Member
378 posts
Location: NSW, Australia

Sorry for the slow reply - I've been off with shoulder problems.

The only group of fire spinners I know of that are active atm in Newie meet at Speer's Point in the park at dusk on Sunday evenings (currently at 7.30 pm), they co-ordinate things via their facebook page;

Newcastle Combustion Appeciation Society

Circus Avalon was having a regular fire spin on Sunday evenings on the foreshore, peeps got busy with other stuff and they haven't met for months but Circus Avalon still have their practice meets (all circus arts) - I think they're at Broadmeadow , I've never been but they probably have a web page.

The group that used to spin behind the Lass O'Gowrie broke up a couple of years back, I've not been there to check if someone started up again.

meltingBRONZE Member
76 posts
Location: newcastle, Australia

Oh thanks all. your all amazing. i hope to see your bright lights soon.

are you gonna drink that?

2 posts
Location: sydney

I found some people doing circus stuff by turning up to O-week at UNSW (I don't actually go there, I just went for the free stuff)

Maybe there's similar stuff going on at Newcastle Uni...?

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