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Profile for lightninrob

SILVER Member since Dec 2009
Registered on: 30th Nov 2009
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

not gonna lie, youre AWESOME. you make it look easy

Hey spinners. I, like many of you caring people probably try to do, try to minimize my environmental footprint. It seems like spinning fire poi soaked in kerosene would generate a lot o...

Follow your Friends

fun with fleshing
Erwan Airone
Spread your wings and - smile!
Flower Buds!!!
Dizzy Dynamic Foot Hooping
Masquerading at Midnight
On Tower Bridge, London, flags.
Lake life
Diamond Kaleidoscope
cherry blossam
New Dragon Staff
Fire fans
Ocean flower
The Whirlwind
My own fans
Lava Cake
Just a taste
Shes hot !
Painting pictures with Fire
My sweet 666
Throwing fire
Pixel flow
Fire Shadow
Putting Out Fires With Gasoline
the shadow of fire
poi in the sky

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