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Profile for lightninrob

SILVER Member since Dec 2009
Registered on: 30th Nov 2009
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

not gonna lie, youre AWESOME. you make it look easy

Hey spinners. I, like many of you caring people probably try to do, try to minimize my environmental footprint. It seems like spinning fire poi soaked in kerosene would generate a lot o...

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Desire of the Marsh Fires
Snow, Fire and Buggeng
Ancient fort in northern Ireland
New beginnings
Sunset Silhouette
Peaceful flow
Illuminated by Firelight.
Dia de Los Muertos  at the Haunted Hotel
feelin femme & fiery
balancing for perfect routine
Sheer happiness
lil devil 😈
Dia de los muertos
Rapid Fire
Backlit Fans
Fire circle
Cozumel Island, México #1
Enter the Buugeng
Circle of darkness
Elbow club balance
Fiametta the fire dancer
Fire Faery
Lamia Fantasy Fire Show
She Simmons
Mountain Magic
Alab Poi Philippines
jedi poi

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