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Profile for lightninrob

SILVER Member since Dec 2009
Registered on: 30th Nov 2009
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

not gonna lie, youre AWESOME. you make it look easy

Hey spinners. I, like many of you caring people probably try to do, try to minimize my environmental footprint. It seems like spinning fire poi soaked in kerosene would generate a lot o...

Follow your Friends

Hoop pose
Sunset 7/4/13
Miss Gemma Trick
Fire owl burn off
Visual poi at work
hoop love
Everyone Smile ...
Infinito Cempasuchitl.
long Poi
Violet Flare
Trampoline Poi
Fire staff
Share the heat
stone maze in inverness
LED Hoop on Stage
A black and white burn off
Snoop Dog
Is that real fire?!?!
Happy place
Poi Angel
Flare up triquetra
Enlighten the dark
Castle burn at SPIELPAUSE
triquetra v triquetra
Tribal fire
Midnight flow
Fire Ronin
Head Spin!!!


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