7 posts
Location: York, Pennsylvania USA

Lacking any degree of creativity, I happily plagiarise from other arts. this is one I've stolen from the Chinese martial arts weapon called the steel whip. Actually, the steel whip is the first thing I thought of when I first saw poi. Anyway. There's a movie called "Iron and Silk" starring Mark Salzman (1988 I think) where he does this thing that I've turned into a poi move I do at the end of an act. It's a very simple move, but requires some abdominal strength.You know how a lot of the time one wick will burn out well before the other? Here's what I do when that happens. I transfer the remaining chain to my right hand (being right handed and all) and spin it over my head, then lie down on my back. So now the fire is spinning parallel to the ground a few inches above my body (You can also get to this position through the use of a forward roll, but I'm not up to describing it). I raise my shoulders and feet a couple inches off the ground, and swing the poi underneath my body, hopping my butt off the ground just as the chain is about to hit it. At least that's the idea. Sometimes I don't have the timing quite right and I wind up sitting on the wick. I've found that it's much easier to do with a longer chain, so what I've started doing is keeping an extra length of chain with a quick clip on one end at my waist, which I attach to the chain with the wick after I ditch the extinguished wick.Now if you'll pardon me, I'm going to go steal a move from two sword technique...Keith

162 posts
Location: Springfield, MA - USA

Hmmm... I need to see that movie. Sounds like it has a lot of neat stuff in it. As a note, I've seen that done in yo-yos for a couple of years, where it is called Earthquake. Most people seem to hop over it around five times...I've also seen some jump rope people do it. Actually in that case, there was another guy sitting next to the one with the rope, and they both hopped over at the same time.I've seen some breakdancing variations and some leg-wraps with the legs up in the air while lying down. Actually, here is a video with a leg wrap thing: for the post... =)

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

hmmm well i have only been doing poi for a couple of months however i also practice with a rope spear (steel whip) converted into 1 super long poi chain. With only 1 chain you can do many more moves by passing it from hand to hand rather then having a dead poi chain tieing up one of your i say just drop the burned out poi and learn how to pass around 1 burning poi chain really well. (this was one of the reasons i started looking at steel whip). beleive me you can do some trippy things with 1 poi and 2 handsanother thing i do is: before you fire up the poi, fill your mouth with white gas or kerosene (please learn how to blow fire first!!!)ok then your spinning like mad and now 1 poi dies out... drop the dead one on the ground.bring the lit poi slowly up to your face and blow a hugh fire ball out, then smother the poi out or play with it as a steel whip(smart thinkin eh?)in a week or so i might be able send in an mpg of some of the moves that i do with 1 poi (like spining around your body in many ways, by passing the poi to the other hand. also wraping it around the neck\legs\arms etc. and unwraping with out touching yourself with the flamey end and junk like that.)i hope it would help ya[This message has been edited by Jeff Duncan (edited 03 January 2001).]

SimosBRONZE Member
384 posts
Location: London, UK

hmm i can't wait to see that MPG Jeff; does the rope spear you describe resembles meteors??? happy swinging,Simos

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

ummm no the rope spear i use right now is (just roughly guessing cause its at a friends house) 1.2 - 1.3 metres of 3mm climbing rope with about 1 foot of chain on the end with a 4 cm diamiter O-ring for attaching things (usially glowsticks because i go to many many raves) or a tenis ball with a large bolt with a loop in the top for practice firei dont wanna push fire again with something this big till im a tad more fluent (cause i almost torched myself with it a few days ago) but i play with my fire poi all the time so i can use 1 burning poi chain easy as pie tongue[This message has been edited by Jeff Duncan (edited 03 January 2001).]

moonglowBRONZE Member
32 posts
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand

I just pass one poi into the other hand and do single spining till the dead poi is relit ... it usually lights again ok ... Ive been using that to do under the leg from behind and pass around the body stuff too .. the whole under the body thing when laying down sounds pretty freaky ... how fluid can you get it? some of the tricks I can do dont flow that well so I tend to leave them out and go for a more smooth and hightempo dance ..

I wish I could jump like that, he thought. Some can and some can't. That's how it is.

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

(yes you can relight but i dont like to do that in front of a crowd, it usially takes away from your proformance)(practice these first before you use it with fire!)the longer the poi the better for these.these are a couple moves i do with only 1 poi when 1 goes out and so i drop it: (1) have it in your right hand spinning backwards, then swing it starting from the bottom of it's rotation across your chest so it crosses infront of your body at a 45 degree angle (going from your right hip to your left shoulder)as it is going up across your chest pass it off to the other hand (left) where it will continue going up at the same angle for a little longer. now start to change its direction in the air, so it will go way out to the left and come back in line to pass behind the back. the poi chain should be turning from pointing up in the air to down to the ground as it comes back towards your when it gets close to your body pass the poi from your left hand to your right hand as it swings behind your back, now just do a nice large arc with it to bring it out front again.(you should have large long poi for this and make sure you have practiced this while it is not on fire first)lets use the right hand again....start off by swinging it in front of your body right where you would do a normal butterfly. now this takes a bit of practice but now much, put your left arm out in the way of the poi chain (2 inches from your hand that is swinging is perfect)it should start to wrap on the wrist, let it go half way around your wrist then pull your wrist out to the left and back with the poi wraping on it. if done correctly the poi shrinks around your wrist but before it hits it's direction changes and it will swing up behind your back then out(most other stuff i have is too complicated to explane so ill just make a movie and run it really slowly)

78 posts
Location: london, england

in the same vein, i took my two poi and another piece of chain, extended it so that the two wicks were one normal poi length apart on the same chain, with about one and a half normal poi lengths from the nearer wick to the handle. aside from two different diameter flaming circles and all the passy things jeff has hinted at, this gives a spiral sort of effect:as the poi is making a big circle, catch the chain about as close to the first wicks as you can and hold it tight (like a snap or a wrap). anticipate the increase in angular velocity and carry on with a cross body (1/2 weave) move. do some turns, get it going really fast in front of you, facing the audience, and then let your hand holding the chain move up the chain slowly towards the handle, decreasing the angular velocity and increasing the radius. the progression from short fast circles to long slow circles - hell you could even have four or five wicks - causes a cool spiral if you get it nice and smooth. try hypnotising the audience by saying things in a soft soothing voice as well. winkone downside that i'm working on is that the wick at the end burns out quiker as it always spins faster than the other one...with glosticks that wont matter.burn ono-o

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