Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > Elbows - an entirely unexplored domain

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517 posts
Location: Sheffield, England

One of my favorite swinging club moves is the 'snake' family. (did that sound rude? redface )

This move group achieves isolations with the club by using the elbow as a rotation point.

Snakes are difficult to perform with poi, and this I feel has led to the elbow being nearly 'forgotten'.

The simplest body joint to form your 'circles' from is your wrist - easy. Next is your shoulders, which requires a lot of body control, but opens up a lot of moves.

By nature the elbow is not as easy. The physical structure of the joint (basically a hinge) makes things much trickier.

However, with contorsion, turning, and heaps of practice, it can be a very versatile centre point for circles.

I won't go into painful detail, but I dare say....

Every single move group in your range could be massively 'funked up'.

Massively. biggrin

Jo. weavesmiley

EDITED_BY: Jo (1110845930)

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MikeIconGOLD Member
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Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

I wouldnt say "entirely unexplored" as Ive been working on some snake type maneuvers and elbow movement as of late. It is, however, very young and I think people are still trying to work on things before they become public domain, if you will.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
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and torch the rough patches.


517 posts
Location: Sheffield, England

Ur... yeah just 'nearly entirely' didn't sound as catchy eh?... wink

you gotta admit Icon, there be monsters.

Jo. biggrin

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garthySILVER Member
old hand
717 posts
Location: Bristol, England

Hmm.. Do I repeat myself? confused More on topic I reckon.

Well every since Josh taught me club snakes I've been trying to do these with poi. I have the first half almost down. Turning may help I reckon?

As PoiboxII pointed out (somewhere else?) you need to change from hand leading isolation to head leading isolation (I think?)

(And Spinning to Gabba..... Try spinning to Slayer!)

Much nice stuff biggrin bounce

"**grumble*spuriouswindmills*grumble**" - Coleman
"if poi was only for girls there wouldnt be many good poi spinners...." - Nx

MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

True that, Jo.

I finally got my vid camera back on Friday so perhaps (PERHAPS! smile ) Ill get around to capturing some new stuff for everyone including what I can do of snakes.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


garthySILVER Member
old hand
717 posts
Location: Bristol, England

And hip snakes would be madness with poi biggrin

"**grumble*spuriouswindmills*grumble**" - Coleman
"if poi was only for girls there wouldnt be many good poi spinners...." - Nx

517 posts
Location: Sheffield, England


snakes = isolations.

I'm talkin' baby flowers, getting the shoulders involved - the human body as a vast array of strange physics. Antispin here, there... bla.

Also, simply using the elbows to achieve reliable 'medium' sized circles.

True snakes (isolations) also go absolutely everywhere. They will also mesh beautifully. Just the tip of the iceburg though...

Jo. smile

Slayer? madman. biggrin dnb actually makes me wiggle the most y'know. But gabba keeps you fit. wink
EDITED_BY: Jo (1110844692)

Educate yourself in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

KaelGotRiceGOLD Member
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When my elbows pop out of their sockets I'm blaming you Jo.


To do: More Firedrums 08 video?

Wildfire/US East coast fire footage

LA/EDC glow/fire footage

Fresno fire

Dragon7GOLD Member
625 posts
Location: Aotearoa (NZ), New Zealand

Badass man.

That shizzle is crazy, i can only get it in certain places, but i get why ud have to iso it. Can anyone here actually prove that can perform it "continous" like flowers? Or is this thread about opening minds?

517 posts
Location: Sheffield, England

haha thanks Dragon. lol

opening minds.

hence the vaigue, yet forceful, terminology wink

I've got no time for this stuff, or flexibility...

But I KNOW it's there man. It's deffinitely there.

Jo. biggrin
EDITED_BY: Jo (1110847396)

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colemanSILVER Member
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i do quite a few elbow circles.

but not snaked, just regular.

hip snakes with poi go all cone-like and are even harder than shoulder snakes.

i can do half decent shoulder snakes on one side with poi - the bonus being that as they don't physically sit on your arm, no throw off is required - you can just run them continually.

but they look quite different to club snakes as these with poi are effectively a point isolation about your elbow.

which is impossible.

the head is past my elbow for poi snakes but the isolation point is damn close...

elbows fit in perfectly with level 2 poi - its all about the spirals... ubblove

cole. x

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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hold on,

jo is jo derry innit!

wow, elbows must be exciting to drag you away from flashy electrical things!

i think ill have a go after ive learnt five balls....

so another year then..

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Wall plane poi spinning CCW, when the poi are parallel to your arm move your elbow upwards and turn 180 degrees and you can then bring your elbow back down with the poi still parallel to your forearm. I do some stuff like that, not hugely well yet I admit wink

"Moo," said the happy cow.

DeepSoulSheepGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: Berlin, Ireland

Outward low reels at the centre at the elbow...easy peasy. Sweet to mix it all up with different centers.

Inward is opposit and same.

Keep the same center point but move it. Upper arm parallel to ground back on wrist facing forwards.

The first 2 aren't that hard but I can't see it as possible with armverticle though.

I live in a world of infinite possibilities.

13 posts
Location: Naperville IL

i can see the ideas behind the elbow ideas (flowers within flowers etc...) and honestly, it all sounds really good and will open several doors. the only question is outside of some flower variations and elbow pins (shok reference) what can be done?

aslo, nice to see Jo and Kael here ^__^

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StoneGOLD Member
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Hi Jo,

I think you have just prevented an epidemic of elbow atrophy. Dunno about unexplored though, as I seem to remember enjoying some great work in v kato smile

Elbows? I use the elbow as a pivot point (hinge) for figure eights in wall plane. I was having trouble with inward figure eights because I wasn’t getting enough shoulder roll in-front of the hips before going behind. This became evident when I looked at my elbow, um.

I had a go at snakes with poi, and I learned there are at least two isolation points rolleyes You can isolate at the club/poi end or in the centre. With club snakes the isolation is the centre of the long axis of the club.

The trick with club snakes is to get two circles in-front of the shoulder. I start by “folding” down, around the elbow to come in-front for the shoulder snake. Then when the club is vertical, you twist the wrist outwards to get the second circle. The club nearly touches your nose twice wink See Jillings shoulder snakes.

I really like funky elbows deepsoulsheep style cool But you could also try: 1. Lower back circles with elbow as centre, instead of hand. 2. Use belly button to centre elbows, then swap arm in front with arm behind, also for butterflies. 3. “The old chestnut” in either wall or side plane. Try side plane, and swing long arm circles, then long arm circle to hand circle, to elbow circle, to long arm circle. 4. Use elbows to turn, change direction etc.


If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

517 posts
Location: Sheffield, England

Stone lol nice ideas man

haha, I used my elbows then? They must have gone rusty or somit' wink


The reason this is all so vaigue (I know it can be frustrating... wink ), is that it's more than just a move or two.

Imagine you are spinning with 2 rotation points (like normal), your moves will use:



shoulders, wrists. (flowers, stalls....)

Now add elbows to the mix...

your moves (within reason) are now available using:




shoulders, elbows

elbows, wrists

shoulders, wrists

AND theres the added insanity of combining all three for an unexplored domain of moves.

too vast for detail.... just play biggrin

Jo. smile
EDITED_BY: Jo (1111064544)

Educate yourself in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

13 posts
Location: Naperville IL

wow...that is confusing, but i see where your going and i do agree that this will open many more doors for new tricks anbd stlye, and after we get thsi lts try it with our kneew pits ^__^

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shen shuiSILVER Member
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Written by: spiralx

Wall plane poi spinning CCW, when the poi are parallel to your arm move your elbow upwards and turn 180 degrees and you can then bring your elbow back down with the poi still parallel to your forearm. I do some stuff like that, not hugely well yet I admit wink

this sounds really sweet. so this is an isolation from the elbow..? sounds real yum and nice (just like rainbow drops). would imagine doing the same thing with the shoulder, ie when ccw wall-plane, hand by hip. when poi head reaches shoulder, rotate shoulder forward-up, turning cw to complete a full circle of rotation.. doing it with 2 poi would look so sexy..

ps what happened to your old avatar..? that was real cool (not that this one isn't real cool, too, but... you know..?)

this thread is fantastic.

inspiration rules!


those that know, dont say. those that say, dont know.

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Well ImmortalAngel changed it to the same thing I had and so I eventually got round to changing it to something else smile

"Moo," said the happy cow.

Spacecow00xSILVER Member
170 posts
Location: Ft. Myers, Florida, USA

i can think of other unexplored places to do center points for circles! but i wont add this to the thread lol

You've got the wings of a fallen angel
You offer peace if they praise your name
You live your life taking everything you can get
Look down, time to fly!

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